Obstacle Reconstruction in Unmanned Vehicle Based on Point Cloud
Abstract:The reconstruction of point cloud can effectively express the objective world,which is the core point in reverse engineering technologyand has great value in production research.Under this background,the thesis studies the obstacle reconstruction in two aspects including the preliminary filtering of the 3D point cloud and the object surface reconstruction based on the filtered 3D point cloud.With respect to preliminary filtering of the 3D point cloud, straight-through filtering, statistical filtering, voxel mesh filtering and radius filtering are investigated and analyzed on three kinds of obstacles, i.e., animal, car and plant.With respect to object surface reconstruction based on the filtered 3D point cloud, the triangle reconstruction and Poisson reconstruction are tried. The experimental results are presented and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed based on the experimental results.
Key words:Reverse engineering;Point cloud;Filtering;Reconstruction
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1点云的滤波和重建的背景及意义 1
1.2 点云滤波研究现状 2
1.3 点云三维重建研究现状 4
2 基于点云的滤波方法分析 4
2.1直通滤波 4
2.2体素网格滤波 5
2.3统计滤波 5
2.4 半径滤波 6
2.5 实验分析 6
2.5.1实验1--汽车的点云滤波 6
2.5.2实验2--向日葵的点云增采样 8
2.5.3实验3--兔子点云的滤波 10
2.6 小结 11
3 基于点云的三维重建方法分析 12
3.1泊松算法 12
3.2贪婪三角求影算法 12 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.3 实验分析 12
3.3.1实验1--兔子的重建 12
3.3.2实验2--泊松算法参数调试 14
3.3.3实验3--汽车的重建 16
3.4 小结 17
4 结论 18
参考文献: 19
致谢 21