摘要: 文中阐述了基于ARM微处理器的远程视频监控系统。该系统通过嵌入式技术开发,选用Linux为嵌入式操作系统。硬件平台选用Mini2440开发板以及中星微ZC301P USB摄像头,进行图像数据的采集、处理以及传输。并且详细介绍了系统软硬件平台的搭建过程以及系统应用程序的设计流程。系统的工作流程是USB摄像头采集图像数据,通过H.264编码器对采集到的图像数据进行编码压缩,并将编码后的数据采用UDP/IP协议进行网络传输,最后Linux平台上的客户端对接收到的压缩数据解码并显示,视频数据同步自动上传到个人云服务器,可以通过手机APP进行监控。
The Remote video monitoring based on ARM
Abstract: In this paper, a remote video monitoring system based on ARM microprocessor is introduced. The system is developed by embedded technology, and selects Linux as embedded operating system. Hardware platform select mini2440 development board as well as Vimicro zc301p USB camera and image data acquisition, processing and transmission. The building process of the system software and hardware platform and the design flow of the system application are introduced in detail. The working process of the system is a USB camera to capture image data, by means of the H.264 encoder on the collected image data compression coding and coding of data by UDP/IP network transmission, finally on the platform of Linux client receives the compressed data is decoded and displayed, video data synchronously and automatically uploaded to the personal cloud server, can be monitored by the mobile app. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: Remote monitoring;embedded;Linux;H.264 coding;UDP/IP protocol
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 远程视频监控技术的国内外现状 2
1.4 本文设计目标 2
2 系统软硬件平台搭建 3
2.1 硬件平台 3
2.2 软件平台 3
2.2.1 嵌入式Linux操作系统 3
2.2.2 交叉编译环境 4
2.2.3 BootLoader移植 5
2.2.4 Linux内核移植 7
2.2.5 制作与NFS挂载根文件系统 8
3 视频监控系统总体设计 10
3.1 系统概述 10
3.1.1 系统结构 10
3.1.2 系统工作流程 11
3.2 系统软件设计 12
3.2.1 USB摄像头驱动移植 12
3.2.2 H.264编码库移植 12
3.2.3 视频采集传输应用程序开发 12
3.3 云服务器 16
3.4 安卓视频播放器APP 17
4 系统调试与演示 19
4.1 系统硬件平台实现 19
4.2 系统测试 21
5 总结与展望 25
5.1 设计总结 25
5.2 设计展望 25
参考文献: 26
致谢 27