Study on spectra of Freon under the external fields
Abstract:Freon is the prime culprit of destructing the atmospheric ozone layer. The physical and spectral characteristics of some typical Freon(F12B1, F1110, F31 and F114B2) under external fields(electric fields and laser fields) are investigated which combine laser mass spectrometry experimental technology with high-level calculation method. Firstly, Time-of-flight mass spectra of F1110 and F114B2 under action of a femtosecond laser pulse are obtained by time-of-flight mass spectrometry technology. The channels of dissociation are analyzed through mass spectra. The molecular structures of F12B1, F31 and F114B2 and the ionic structure of F1110 are optimized using the density function theory (B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p)). The vibrational frequencies are calculated on this basis. And the effects of external fields on the infrared spectra and the Raman spectra of these Freon are studied. Additionally, the UV-VISabsorption spectra of these molecules and ion under different electric fields are investigated through calculating energy with CIS method. Besides, the potential energy surface of F31 about C-Cl bond is scanned at the same basis set. The result indicates the barrier of dissociation gradually decreases with the increase of electric fields. The barrier has disappeared under electric field of 0.04a.u., and the molecule induces to degradation because of C-Cl bond breaking. The experimental and computed results offer important reference for degradation and protecting atmospheric ozone layer. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: spectroscopy;Freon; laser mass spectrometry; electric field; degradation
摘要 IV
Abstract V
1 绪论 1
1.1 氟利昂与臭氧层的破坏 1
1.2 外场对分子性质的影响 1
1.3 本文的研究内容和研究意义 2
2 理论方法与实验装置 3
2.1实验技术和装置 3
2.2 理论方法 4
3 氟利昂F12B1在电场作用下的光谱研究 5
3.1 F12B1分子的稳定构型 5
3.2 电场对F12B1分子红外和拉曼光谱的影响 5
3.3 电场对F12B1分子紫外可见吸收光谱的影响 8
3.4 电场对分子轨道能级和能隙的影响 10
4 氟利昂F1110在激光场和电场作用下的光谱研究 11 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
4.1 F1110在飞秒激光场作用下的动力学研究 11
4.2 可见光与红外光辐射下质谱图的比较 12
4.3 C2Cl4+在电场作用下的光谱研究 13
5 强电场对氟利昂F31的光谱和降解研究 15
5.1 F31的稳定构型 15
5.2电场对F31分子的红外光谱影响 16
5.3 电场对紫外可见吸收光谱的影响 18
5.4电场对分子解离的影响 18
6氟利昂F114B2在激光场和电场作用下的光谱研究 19
6.1 F114B2在飞秒激光场的动力学研究 19
6.2 电场对F114B2分子紫外可见吸收光谱的影响 20
7结论 21
参考文献 22
致谢 26