Study on Magnetoresistance Enhancement Effect of Fe3O4 by Magnetic Field Heat Treatment
In the semiconductor or metal body there is a phenomenon: when the power of the semiconductor or metal materials applied magnetic field, their resistance will change to varying degrees. This is the magnetoresistance. As a measure of the merits of material performance parameters, people are no stranger to this. It is undeniable that the discovery of magnetoresistance greatly enhances people's technological level. People enjoy the benefits of magnetoresistance applications, while more in-depth study of it in order to get more significant discovery. And the discovery and application of giant magnetoresistance, it is this boom to the top; semi-metallic materials with a unique band structure, close to one hundred percent of the spin polarization shows its great research value. In particular, as a ferromagnetism semi-metallic Fe3O4, has a very high Curie temperature (860K), has a more extensive application. In this paper, Fe3O4 thin films were prepared by PLD method and heat treated in magnetic field. The magnetoresistance was improved. We deduced the magnetoresistance equation by micro-magnetism and fitted the data to fit the experimental phenomena well.
Key words: Magnetic field heat treatment;Semi - metallic magnetic materials;Micromagnetics;Magnetoresistance Effect
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 IV
1.1磁电阻效应 1
1.1.1 磁电阻定义 1
1.1.2 不同材料的磁电阻方程 1
1.2 磁电阻分类 4
1.2.1正常磁电阻(OMR) 4
1.2.2各向异性磁电阻(AMR) 4
1.2.3 巨磁电阻(GMR) 5
1.2.4 隧穿磁电阻 (TMR) 5
1.2.5 庞磁电阻(CMR) 6
1.3 磁电阻的应用 6
1.4 半金属磁性材料 6
1.5 磁场热处理 7
1.6 论文选题依据 7
第二章理论方法与实验方法 9
2.1 理论方法-微磁学 9
2.1.1 微磁学简介 9
2.1.2 利用变分法求能量最低态 10
2.2 实验方法 11
2.2.1PLD法制备Fe3O4薄膜 11
2.2.2 四探针法测磁电阻 12
第三章磁场作用下Fe3O4的自旋结构及其磁电阻方程 13
3.1 引言 13
3.1.1 Fe3O4的晶体结构 13
3.1.2 Fe3O4的自旋结构 14
3.1.3 Fe3O4的电子结构和电输运性质 14
3.1.4 Fe3O4的磁电阻 14
3.2 理论模型及计算结果 16
3.3磁场热处理对Fe3O4薄膜磁电阻增强效应的研究 18
3.3.1引言 18
3.3.2结果与讨论 19
3.3.3结论 21
第四章未来展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献: 25