关键词 : 音乐播放器 MCS-51单片机 led显示器
Music player based on single chip
With the continuous development and progress of the integrated science and technology, there appeared a variety of music players in the market. This paper analyzes the function and working principle of the design and implementation of a music player based on MCU.
The paper introduces the method of hardware design and software design of music player, as well as the MCU development environment, and provides the concrete scheme of music player based on MCS-51 single chip. The paper firstly analyzed the composition of the music player of the MCU minimum system module, LED display module, the keyboard input module, the speaker module and the function of each module, and then presents how to realize the software of order play, broadcast cycle, single play with music player and realize the LED display when playing. Finally, the debugging process of the system hardware debugging and software are given, in order to achieve the multi-function of music player based on single chip.
Keywords: Music player; MCS-51 Single chip; Led display device
摘 要
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引 言 1
1.2 开发环境简介 1
1.3 设计内容与目标 2
第二章 单片机播放音乐原理 4
2.1单片机产生音调的基本原理 4
2.2 音乐播放器的工作原理 4
2.2.1 音阶和节拍的计算 4
2.2.2 曲谱的制作 6
第三章 音乐播放器的硬件设计 7
3.1 单片机最小系统 7
3.1.1 单片机复位电路 7
3.1.2 单片机晶振电路 8
3.2 键盘接口电路的设计 9
3.3 LED显示接口电路的设计 10
3.4 扬声器控制电路的设计 12
3.5 硬件原理图 12
第四章 音乐播放器的软件设计 14
4.1 主控软件的设计与流程图 14
4.2 定时中断服务子程序的设计与流程图 15
4.3 键盘控制模块的设计与流程图 16
4.4 演奏乐曲模块的设计与流程图 20
第五章 系统的仿真与调试 23
5.1系统仿真 23
5.2 软件调试 24
5.2.1 测试LED显示模块 24
5.2.2 测试键盘控制模块 26
5.2.3 测试P3.0口输出 26
5.3 调试中遇到的问题及解决 27
第六章 结 论 28
参 考 文 献 29