
关键词:STC89C51 篮球 计时器 计分器
Design of basketball match timing and scoring device based on MCU
Sports game timing and scoring system is the information system for the rapid acquisition, processing, and transmission of the time and the score of the game.And the scores within the prescribed time determine the outcome of a basketball game, so basketball game timing and scoring system is a scoring type system.This design mainly uses the AT89C51 chip as the core control element, combined with external display circuit and keyboard control circuit, and so on, constitute a basketball game timing and scoring device. The whole circuit is mainly composed of AT89C51 single chip microcomputer control system,wireless communication module, timing and scoring display and alarm indication circuit.The entire design can be achieved, the game countdown, 24 seconds countdown and alarm instructions, and other functions.This design process mainly uses the Keil software to compile the C language program, using Proteus software to simulate the hardware circuit .Using timing and scoring devices in the basketball game can accurately record the score and the time of the game, but also increased the watch of the basketball game. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords:STC89C51, basketball, timer, score indicator

目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2发展现状 1
1.3主要内容 2
第二章 篮球赛计时计分器的主要功能和方案设计 3
2.1主要功能和设计方案 3
2.1.1系统的主要功能及要求 3
2.1.2系统的方案设计 3
2.2系统的整体方案设计 3
2.2.1篮球赛计时计分器主机系统 3
2.2.2篮球赛计时计分器遥控器 5
2.3各模块方案设计 5
2.3.1单片机控制单元模块 5
2.3.2电源电路模块 6
2.3.3传感器电路模块 6
2.3.4比赛信息显示模块 6
2.3.5无线通信模块 7
2.4小结 8
第三章 篮球赛计时计分器的硬件电路设计 9
3.1单片机控制系统 9
3.1.1 时钟电路 9
3.1.2 复位电路 10
3.2传感器电路模块 10
3.3比赛信息显示模块 10
3.4报警指示电路模块 12
3.5按键控制电路模块 12
3.5.1主机键盘控制电路 12
3.5.2遥控器键盘控制电路 13
3.6无线通信模块 13
3.7小结 14
第四章 篮球赛计时计分器的软件设计 15
4.1主程序流程 15
4.2初始化流程 15
4.2.1 系统初始化流程 16
4.2.2 LCD12864初始化流程 16
4.3按键处理流程 17
4.3.1 暂停界面流程图 17
4.3.2 比赛得分流程图 18
4.3.3 24秒倒计时流程图 20
4.4 LCD12864显示流程 22
4.5遥控器流程图 22
4.6小结 23
第五章 篮球赛计时计分器的仿真与调试 24
5.1软件仿真与调试 24
5.1.1仿真过程及结果 24 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
5.1.2仿真问题总结 25
5.2硬件调试及结果 26
5.2.1主控制器硬件调试 26
5.2.2遥控器硬件调试 28
5.3小结 30
结 语 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34
附录一 电路原理图 35
附录二 硬件实物图 37