
摘 要
关键词: 集中供暖 单片机 温度监控 自动控制
The Design of Automatic Heating Temperature Control System Based on SCM
Central heating with high energy utilization rate, low heat supply cost, less pollution, has been widely used in the world. But the central heating system is a big lag, nonlinear and complex system. In the heating season, since the temperature changes greatly, to maintain the indoor temperature constant, the heating system needs some adjustments. At present, in most areas of our country, the heating regulation can’t satisfy the heating requirements, which causes not only heating quality bad, but also a great waste of energy.
This design can monitor the indoor temperature by using SCM and a temperature sensor, and realize the control of indoor temperature by adjust the valve to control hot water supply. The design is centered on AT89C52, using the PT100 temperature sensor to realize the collection of temperature, and then digital signals converted from analog signals through the operational amplifier and A/D converter is sent to the SCM for processing, and finally the SCM according to control algorithm outputs a control signal, which controls the switch of the valve of hot water to control the indoor temperature. The design can achieve functions of real-time display of indoor temperature, temperature alarm, and the set and control of temperature. This system realizes the unattended automatic control and the monitoring of indoor temperature.
Key words: Central heating; SCM; Temperature monitoring; Automatic control
1.3 设计任务及目标
设计任务:在寒冷的冬季,通过温度控制系统检测温度和控制室内的温度,使人们在舒适的环境下生活工作。采用89C52单片机为温度控制系统的核心,温度传感器,按键控制,A/D转换,显示模块等实现对整个中央供暖系统的动态测试、检测与报警、实时显示供热和供暖两项控制要求。 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
(1)单片机选择89C52,控制系统以89C52为核心 ;
2.1 整体系统方案
2.1.1 系统原理
该系统原理如图2-1-1所示,供暖系统由热水锅炉、热水管道、散热器3个基本部分组成。供暖系统工作过程:用锅炉将水加热,然后用水泵将热水通过供热管道供给安装在室内的散热器中,热水通过散热器来加热室内空气。冷却的热水通过回水管道回到锅炉中再加热循环利用。 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]

目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题的意义 3
1.3 设计任务及目标 3
第2章 系统总体结构 5
2.1 整体系统方案 5
2.1.1 系统原理 5
2.1.2 系统总体结构 6
2.2 开发工具简介 7
第3章 硬件设计 9
3.1 主机控制电路 9
3.1.1 单片机的选型 9
3.1.2 主控电路设计 12
3.2 温度监测电路 13
3.2.1 温度传感器的类型 13
3.2.2 温度传感器选择 14
3.2.3 放大器的选择 16
3.2.4 测温电路设计 16
3.3 A/D转换 17
3.3.1 A/D转换器的选择 17
3.3.2 A/D转换器的性能指标 18
3.3.3 A/D转换芯片ADC0809 19
3.4 显示电路 22
3.4.1 显示元件选择 22
3.4.2 LED显示器件的工作原理 22
3.4.3 LED显示电路设计 23
3.5 报警系统的设计 24
3.6 键盘控制电路设计 25
3.7 继电器驱动电路设计 25
3.7.1 继电器简介 25
3.7.2 驱动芯片ULN2003A 26
3.7.3 继电器驱动电路 27
第4章 软件设计 28
4.1 主程序设计 28
4.2 数据采集模块 29
4.2.1 A/D转换模块 29
4.2.2 数据处理模块 30
4.3 控制运算模块 32
4.4 显示模块 33
4.5 报警模块 35
4.6 键盘中断模块 36
4.7 系统调试 38
第5章 设计结果 39
第6章 结论 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45
附录 46