
Design of Multi-Spot Wireless Temperature Detection System Based on MSP430
Abstract:In this paper, a multi-channel wireless temperature detection system based on MSP430 single chip microcomputer is designed. The MSP430 microcontroller is designed as the core, and the hardware circuit is composed of digital temperature sensor DS18B20, wireless transceiver chip nRF905, display module and serial communication module. After testing, the system has completed the accurate measurement of the multi-point temperature and can send the collected temperature data to the host computer through the wireless module. It can display the temperature in real time by the LCD12864. The data can also be sent to the computer via the serial port.
Key words:MSP430 MCU;nRF905;DS18B20;LCD12864;Serial Communication

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景和意义 1
1.2 温度测量技术的发展状况 1
1.3 课题研究的内容 2
1.4 本论文结构 2
2 系统总体方案设计 3
2.1 系统方案的确定 3
2.2 系统关键器件的选择 4
2.2.1 数字温度传感器DS18B20 4
2.2.2 无线通信模块nRF905 5
2.2.3 16位低功耗微处理器MSP430F149 6
2.2.4 液晶显示屏LCD12864 7
2.2.5 串口通信模块介绍 8
3 系统硬件设计 9
3.1 单片机MSP430主控模块 9
3.2 温度采集模块 9
3.3 无线通信模块 10
3.4 显示模块 10
4 系统软件设计 11
4.1 MSP430单片机主程序设计 11
4.1.1 下位机主程序设计 11
4.1.2 上位机程序流程图 12
4.2 DS18B20温度采集子程序设计 12
4.3 无线模块子程序设计 13
4.3.1 无线模块发送端子程序设计 13
4.3.2 无线模块接收端子程序设计 15
5 测试结果和分析 16 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
5.1 温度采集测试 16
5.2 无线模块测试 17
5.3 显示模块测试 17
5.4 上位机调试结果 17
6 结论与展望 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21
附录 22 [资料来源:Doc163.com]