
Along with social progress and technology development, industrial production, various types of control equipment in transportation and other industries gradually transform toward automation, intelligent direction. Status of control bus technology in industrial production is very important, but different types of bus can't be directly connected, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. This article is in this context, designed a multi-protocol translation gateway, the main contents are as follows:
Through the analysis of protocol gateway functional requirements, this paper provided the design of the overall architecture, and analyzed software and hardware of the protocol gateway emphatically. Using Atmel's ATmega16 microcontroller as the main control chip, Microchip's MCP2515 stand-alone CAN bus controller and Philips's TJA1050 high speed CAN bus transceiver. Completed IIC, CAN, RS232 hardware interface and gateway overall circuit design. According to the gateway architecture and flow chart, using the C programming language, finally completed software simulation and hardware testing. In the case of protocol conversion process, the communication does not match the rate, providing a detailed solution.
Key Words:Single chip microcomputer;IIC;CAN;RS232;Protocol gateway

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状及分析 1
1.3 本文的主要研究内容 3
第2章协议网关的整体结构及方案设计 4 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
2.1 功能需求与分析 4
2.2 网关整体结构与方案设计 4
2.3本章小结 5
第3章协议网关的硬件设计 6
3.1 硬件的选型 6
3.1.1主控芯片的选择 6
3.1.2 总线硬件接口的选择 7
3.2 外围电路的设计 7
3.2.1 电源电路 8
3.2.2 复位电路 8
3.2.3 时钟电路 9
3.2.4 CAN总线通讯电路 10
3.2.5 RS232电平转换电路 11
3.3 协议网关的PCB图设计 11
3.4 本章小结 12
第4章协议网关软件设计 13
4.1 协议网关整体软件架构及功能设计 13
4.2 分模块软件设计 14
4.2.1 RS232总线模块软件设计 14
4.2.2 IIC模块软件设计 15
4.2.3 CAN模块软件设计 15
4.2.4 主程序控制模块软件设计 16 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.3 本章小结 17
第5章网关软硬件集成与测试分析 18
5.1 协议网关功能接口的软件仿真 18
5.1.1 USART串口功能仿真 18
5.1.2 TWI接口功能仿真 19
5.1.3 SPI接口功能仿真 19
5.2 协议网关的硬件测试 20
5.2.1 CAN-RS232硬件功能测试 21
5.2.2 CAN-IIC硬件功能测试 21
5.2.3 IIC-CAN硬件功能测试 22
5.2.4 RS232-IIC硬件功能测试 23
5.2.5 IIC-RS232硬件功能测试 24
5.3本章小结 24
第6章总结 25
参考文献 26
附录A 28
附录B 29
附录C 30
致谢 59 [资料来源:Doc163.com]