
本文详细地介绍了基于单片机的多功能万年历的设计过程,硬件部分以AT89S52作为控制核心,用时钟芯片DS1302设置时钟电路,用DS18B20进行温度检测,在液晶显示屏 LCD1602上显示,另外增加了闹钟报时的功能。软件部分采用C语言编程,实现了时间和日期的设置程序、温度显示程序、闹钟设置程序。在设计该系统总体方案的基础上,完成了该系统的原理图和实物设计。此万年历具有读取方便、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。
Time recording tools have undergone different development histories, from sundials and pendulum clocks to today's electronic calendar. The emergence of MCU has dramatically changed the way of thinking in various fields, of course, also applied to the electronic calendar. For MCU learners, it is particularly practical and meaningful to design and implement a low-cost, operational calendar system that provides basic timing functions such as year, month, week, day,hour, minute, andsecond. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
This paper describes in details the design process of multi-functional calendar based on MCU. In terms of hardware, theAT89S52 works as the central control module, the clock chip DS1302 is used for clock circuit settings, DS18B20 for temperature detection, LCD1602 screen for display, and the time service function of alarm clock is additionally added. For the software, C language programming is used to achieve the time and date setup program, temperature display program and alarm clock setup program.Thesystem schemeandhardwareschemearealsodesigned. This electronic calendar is easy to read and versatile with low power, low cost, it has a broad market
Key words: Calendar;DS1302;DS18B20;LCD display

第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 课题的研究目的与意义 1
1.3 研究现状分析 2
1.4 课题解决的主要内容 4
第2章系统的方案设计与论证 5
2.1 时钟模块 5
2.2 显示模块 6
2.3 按键控制模块 6
2.4 温度采集模块设计与论证 6
第3章系统硬件的设计 7
3.1 AT89S52单片机 7
3.2 时钟芯片DS1302接口设计与性能分析 7
3.2.1 DS1302性能简介 7
3.2.2 DS1302接口电路设计 8
3.3 LCD显示模块 10
3.3.1 LCD1602的特性及使用说明 10
3.3.2 1602LCD的RAM地址映射及标准字库表 11
3.3.3 LCD1602与MCU的接口电路 12
3.4 温度芯片DS18B20接口设计与性能分析 12
3.4.1 DS18B20性能简介 12
3.4.2 DS18B20接口电路设计 14 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.5 按键模块设计 15
第4章系统软件的设计 16
4.1 主程序流程图的设计 16
4.2 程序设计 16
4.2.1 DS1302读写程序设计 16
4.2.2温度程序设计 19
第5章系统的机体设计及调试 21
5.1 PROTEUS简介 21
5.2 系统软件调试与仿真 22
5.3 系统硬件调试 23
第6章结论 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27