
The temperature changingis closely related to life, in order to enhance the convenience of daily life, more and more intelligent household appliancesappearin people's lives. Taking the water heater as the application object, this paper designs a water temperature control system based on single-chip computer by using the convenience and function of single-chip computer in the automatic control system..The system which takeAT89S51 as the control core achieved water temperature control with a variety of functional circuits.
In the design, the system uses DS18B20 temperature sensor to measure temperature, then the measured data are compared with the preset values in the single chip computer, at the last, the system controls temperature by relay. In addition to the control part, there are button settings and digital tube display part to facilitate users to read the temperature and adjust the desired temperature. In order to ensure the safety of the water heater, the system also designed an automatic water supply function to prevent the danger caused by the heating of the empty water tank. The software uses structured programming to facilitate functional modification and maintenance. From the simulation results of the system,it can be seen that the system can accurately measure and display temperature, the water can be heated in time when the water temperature is too low, and system can also increase the water storage in time when the water level is too low,so the results verify the feasibility of the system to control the water temperature. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key Words:AT89S51; Temperature sensor; Temperature control


第1章绪论 1
1.1 温度控制系统研究的背景及目的 1
1.2 温度控制系统的发展现状 1
1.3 单片机的发展与应用 1
1.4 本文工作和章节安排 2
第2章水温控制系统总体设计 3
2.1 控制系统的任务及目标 3
2.2 控制系统的方案选择 3
第3章水温控制系统硬件设计 5
3.1 单片机控制电路设计 5
3.1.1 AT89S51单片机的介绍 5
3.1.2 单片机各引脚的功能 5
3.1.3 单片机接口电路配置 7
3.2 温度测量电路 7
3.2.1 DS18B20芯片介绍 7
3.2.2 DS18B20芯片测温原理 9
3.2.3 DS18B20测温电路设计 10
3.3 数码管显示电路 10
3.3.1 驱动芯片MAX7219 10
3.3.2 显示模块电路图 11
3.4 水位检测电路 12
3.5 按键控制与报警电路 12
3.6 加热驱动电路 13
第4章水温控制系统软件设计 15
4.1 控制主程序设计 15
4.2 测温程序设计 16
4.2.1 DS18B20的操作时序 16
4.2.2 温度采集子程序 17
4.3 显示模块程序设计 17
4.3.1 MAX7219初始化设置 17
4.3.2 温度值显示子程序 19
4.4 按键设置功能实现及中断子程序 19
第5章系统仿真 21
5.1 温度检测和实时显示 21
5.2 按键控制温度范围仿真 22
5.3 加热电路仿真 23
5.4 水位检测及控制仿真 25
第6章结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28