
Since ancient times, the quality and safety of living environment has been an important issue studied and discussed by human beings. With the continuous improvement of living standards, people's requirements for the safety of living environment are also increasing. People hope to have the ability to monitor the relevant parameters in the living environment. When there are dangerous factors in the home environment or people invade illegally, they can prevent and deal with them timely and effectively. With the development of automatic control technology, intelligent products such as smart home have gradually entered people's lives. The introduction of intelligent building home has brought safety guarantee to people living in buildings. This time, we will complete a design of anti-theft alarm based on single-chip computer, which is used for real-time monitoring of the current loop, combining with automatic control technology and sensor detection technology. Whether there are illegal intrusions in the environment or not, the alarm with single-chip computer as the control core mainly monitors the illegal intrusions of the human body, the vibration generated and the sound emitted. When the illegal intrusions are detected, or the anti-theft windows are strongly impacted or cut off, or the glass is smashed, or there is a large vibration, the anti-theft alarm will start the alarm function and send an alarm letter. Number. At the same time, users can make anti-theft alarm deployment and withdrawal according to the current actual situation.
Key words: burglar alarm; human body detection; vibration detection; sound detection

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
第2章系统总体设计 3
2.1研究内容 3
2.2设计思路 3
2.3相关器件选型设计 3
2.3.1主控制器选型设计 3
2.3.2声音检测选型设计 4
2.3.3人体红外检测模块选型方案 4
2.4系统结构设计 4
第3章系统硬件模块设计 6
3.1单片机最小系统设计 6
3.1.1 MCU介绍 6
3.1.2晶振电路设计 6
3.2声音采集模块设计 7
3.3震动采集模块设计 8 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.4压力检测模块设计 9
3.5人体检测模块设计 10
3.6布防模块设计 11
3.7报警模块设计 12
第4章系统软件设计 13
4.1开发环境 13
4.2软件开发主程序设计 13
4.3模数转换软件设计 14
第5章系统调试 16
5.1系统调试方法 16
5.1.1静态调试 16
5.1.2软件调试 16
5.1.3动态调试 16
5.2实物展示 17
总结 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 21