
摘 要
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer science and artificial intelligence technology, intelligent robot technology has become a hot research field of modern robotics. Which opened up a new field of service robots robotics applications. A key feature of the service robot is different from the industrial robot service robots is a suitable concrete way, the robot system environment and its mandate, and its activity space, with mobility in unstructured environments, so the majority of service robots mobile robots.
In this paper, the existing system can act autonomously vacuum cleaner, intelligent path planning can not completely cover the entire area of the problem, design a microcontroller-based intelligent vacuum cleaner systems, obstacle avoidance system and a wireless remote control functions include intelligence, through a wireless remote control can be switched. System includes STC89C52 microcontroller core control module circuit to E18-D50NK infrared obstacle avoidance sensors built avoidance module, wireless remote control circuit using 2272-M4 non-lock four wireless remote control module, motor drive module circuit using L9110 chip, and DC conditioning circuit chip LM7805 power supply module, and finally completed the software design of the system.
When the self-cleaning can not complete all the cleaning, you can switch wireless remote control, remote control based on artificial self-cleaning can not complete the task. So that it can replace the traditional manual cleaning way home to make family life electrification, intelligent, so that science and technology to better serve humanity.
Keywords: microcontroller; intelligent vacuum cleaner; wireless remote control
智能吸尘器系统结构图如图2-2所示,智能吸尘器前端安装有三个红外光电开关,用于检测障碍物,前方无障碍输出高电平,有障碍输出口电平会从高电平变成低电平,信号为TTL电平可直接与单片机连接,单片机检测三个红外开关引脚电平,并做出相应的决策,输出驱动信号控制电机驱动模块,从而控制电机,完成吸尘器的智能避障功能。系统可通过遥控器切换吸尘器功能,当切换到遥控模式时,可根据遥控器发出的指令完成吸尘器的前进、后退、左转和右转功能。同时采用PWM脉冲调速技术,保证智能吸尘器稳定可靠运行。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3 本文研究内容 4
第2章 智能吸尘器系统总体设计 5
2.1 智能吸尘器系统的搭建 5
2.2 系统方案论证 5
2.3 智能吸尘器系统总体设计 9
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 智能吸尘器硬件电路设计 11
3.1 单片机控制电路设计 11
3.2 避障模块电路设计 14
3.3 无线遥控模块 15
3.4 电机驱动模块电路设计 18
3.5 电源模块电路设计 20
3.6 吸尘和毛刷电机的驱动 22
3.7 本章小结 22
第4章 智能吸尘器软件系统设计 23
4.1 系统控制流程 23
4.2初始化子程序 24
4.3 PWM调速子程序 25
4.4 行进子程序 26
4.5 本章小结 30
第5章 系统安装与调试 31
5.1 智能吸尘器的硬件安装 31
5.2 软件开发调试 33
5.3 吸尘器整体系统调试 36
5.4 本章小结 37
结 论 38
参考文献 39
致谢 41
附件1 电路图 42
附件2 源程序 43