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[摘要]目的:通过分析结核病患者的痰液涂片镜检结果,了解浏阳市及其周边各乡镇结核病发生情况,改进技术,以提高镜检准确率。方法:1000份样本均来自2017年1月1日至2017年3月31日到浏阳市人民医院呼吸内科、综合科、儿科、感染科等科室就诊并疑似感染的患者,所有患者取痰液标本,实施抗酸染色,采用显微镜进行检测,统计检测结果。结果:在1000份痰液标本当中,检测结果为阳性的有340份,检测阳性率为34.0%;不同时间段和不同性状痰液的标本的阳性检出率存在很大的差异,清晨痰样本是检出率最高的标本,阳性检出率为41.25%,即时痰样本检出率最低,为17.5%,不同时间段痰液标本阳性检出率相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);在不同性状的痰液标本当中,干酪样痰标本阳性检出率最高,达到了57.14%,唾液水样痰标本检出率最低,为2.50%,不同性状痰液标本阳性检出率相比存在明显的差异,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对于结核病患者来说,在进行抗结核治疗之前就需要采集患者的痰标本进行涂片检查,这样可以提高阳性检出率,以便及时发现传染源,做好隔离工作。另外,为了提高检测结果的准确性,需要做好痰液标本的质量控制工作。对于不同时间段取样的痰液标本,质量合格的为清晨痰和夜间痰,检出率比较低的为即时痰,不符合样本的质量要求。为充分保证痰液样本检测的质量,可以选择血性样痰和干酪样痰,更有利于做好对结核病的预防和控制工作。 [版权所有:]
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the results of sputum smear in tuberculosis patients, to understand the occurrence of tuberculosis in Liuyang and its surrounding villages, and to improve the technique to improve the accuracy of microscopic examination. Methods: 1000 samples were from January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017 to Liuyang City People's Hospital Department of Respiratory Medicine, General Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases and other departments and suspected infected patients, all patients taking sputum specimens , The implementation of acid-resistant staining, using a microscope to detect, statistical test results. Results: Among the 1000 samples of sputum, 340 positive samples were detected and the positive rate was 34.0%. The positive rate of sputum samples in different time periods and different traits was very different. (P <0.05). The positive rate of sputum samples was 41.25%, and the detection rate of sputum samples was the lowest (17.5%). The positive rate of sputum samples was statistically significant (P <0.05) In the sputum samples with different traits, the positive rate of positive samples was 57.14%, the lowest was 2.50%, and the positive detection rate of sputum specimens of different traits was Significant differences were statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: For patients with tuberculosis, in the anti-TB treatment before the need to collect the patient's sputum specimens for smear, which can improve the positive detection rate, in order to detect the source of infection, do isolation work. In addition, in order to improve the accuracy of the test results, need to do a good job of quality control of sputum specimens. For different time samples of sputum samples, the quality of qualified for the morning sputum and night sputum, the detection rate is relatively low for the immediate sputum, does not meet the quality requirements of the sample. To fully guarantee the quality of sputum sample testing, you can choose bloody sputum and cheese sputum, more conducive to the prevention and control of tuberculosis work. [资料来源:]
Key words: tuberculosis; sputum sample; smear; acid pickling; discovery rate


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