摘 要:尤金•奥尼尔被称为“美国戏剧之父”,他曾四次获得普利策奖,并于一九三六年荣膺诺贝尔文学奖。《榆树下的欲望》是他中期的名剧之一,女主人公艾比•普特曼是一位悲剧性的人物。本文将从艾比对财富物质的占有欲、情欲、妇女在男权社会下所受的压迫三个方面来分析《榆树下的欲望》中艾比悲剧产生的根源,揭示作品所蕴藏的深刻内涵,进而诠释《榆树下的欲望》长久而独特的艺术魅力。
关键词:榆树下的欲望; 尤金•奥尼尔; 艾比•普特曼; 悲剧;根源
On the Roots of the Tragedy of Abbie Putman in Desire Under the Elms
Abstract: Eugene O'Neill, "the father of American drama", who won Nobel Prize for literature in 1936 and four Pulitzer Prizes. Desire Under the Elms is one of the representative works in his second writing period. The heroine Abbie Putman is an image of tragedy. This paper intends to explore the roots of the tragedy of Abbie in Desire Under the Elms from three aspects: Abbie's desire for wealth, her desire for sex, and oppression of the patriarchal society to reveal the profound connotation in the drama and to interpret the everlasting charm of Desire Under the Elms. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Key words: Desire Under the Elms; Eugene O'Neill; Abbie Putman; Tragedy; Roots
Key words......................................................................................................................1
1 Eugene O'Neill and his Desire Under the Elms..........................................................3
1.1 About Eugene O'Neill..............................................................................................3
1.2 Desire Under the Elms.............................................................................................3
2 Roots of the tragedy of Abbie Putman.......................................................................4
2.1 Abbie's desire for wealth.........................................................................................4
2.2 Abbie's desire for sex..............................................................................................6
2.3 Oppression of the patriarchal society......................................................................6