摘 要:自20世纪50年代计算机的发明和过去30年内因特网的普及以来,不可避免地引起了经济,政治,文化和语言等方面的变化。语言是基于生理学,心理学和物理学的符号系统,既是特定的人类行为,又是人类信息交流的载体。由于因特网作为一种高效媒介的发展,新词和新术语不断出现在英语词汇中,并且在篇章中出现了新的用法,这就形成了一种相对特别的语言现象,以至于刚接触网络世界的人有可能不能完全或者恰当地理解网络交流中现行的表达方式。本文的目的在于研究这一语言现象,旨在更好地利用网络资源并为英语学习者提供帮助。
On Features of Network English
Abstract: Since the invention of computer in the 1950s and the popularization of Internet within the last 30 years, has inevitably caused great changes in the fields of economy, politics, culture and language. Language is a system of symbols based on biology, psychology and physics. It is a specific social action and a carrier of information used for human communication in a society. With the development of Internet as an effective media, neologisms and new terms constantly appear in the English vocabulary, together with some newly appearing usage in the passages, have formed such a relatively special language phenomenon that many beginners of the cyber-world could not completely or properly understand some of them. This paper aims at studying the features of this network language phenomenon, so that we can make better use of the resources on Internet, and help the students learn English as a foreign language well.
Key words: Network English; Word-formation; Translation