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摘 要:在弥尔顿之前,撒旦一直被看作邪恶的标志。他背叛上帝,引诱夏娃吃下禁果,从而把自己一步步推向罪恶的深渊,最后走向万劫不复的地狱。而约翰•弥尔顿在其代表作《失乐园》中却将撒旦塑造成一个反对专制和暴动的革命者。本文从介绍弥尔顿的生平,文学作品,以及他的政治及宗教思想入手,分析撒旦作为一个反抗者,一个诱惑者以及革命家所体现的人文主义精神。本研究对读者更好的认识弥尔顿笔下的撒旦有重大意义。


    John Milton is one of the greatest poets in the English language. He composed his poetry in the seventeenth century, but his works have been studied until nowadays. Among his works, Paradise Lost is the most successful. It is one of the greatest poems and occupies a very high position in English literature and literary criticism. For more than three centuries, the epic has been receiving great attention from readers of different times and different countries, among whom are great poets, writers and critics. [来源:]
 In the century when Paradise Lost was written, Dryden sang high praise for the epic. In “The Author Apology for Heroique Poetry;and Poetique Licence”,he regards Paradise Lost as “one of the greatest, most sublime POEMS, which either this age or Nation has produc’d.” He ranks Milton with Homer and Virgil in his 1688 epigram, he asserts that Milton surpasses them by combining their best qualities:

A Humanistic Interpretation of the Image of Satan in Paradise Lost

Abstract:Before Milton, Satan has been considered to be a symbol of evil. He betrayed God and tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. As a result, he brought himself into the abyss of evil step by step and finally into the hopeless hell. However, in his masterpiece Paradise Lost, John Milton portrayed Satan as a revolutionist against tyranny and riot. This paper first introduces Milton’s life experience and his literary works, and his political and religious ideas. Then, the author analyzes Satan’s spirit of humanism as a rebel and a tempter, and a revolutionist. The research is of great significance to readers for a better understanding of Milton’s Stan. [资料来源:]

Key words: Paradise Lost; Milton; Satan; Humanism [资料来源:]

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