
摘 要:本文根据韩礼德的系统功能语法中人际功能的理论框架,分析人称代词和情态动词在英语政治演讲中人际意义。作者提出了人称代词和情态动词不仅是语法现象,而是有着丰富的人际功能,得出了它们能在演讲者与听众之间建立良好的人际互动关系,达到演讲目的结论。希望本研究对于指导人们在政治演讲中如何恰当地运用称代词和情态动词以达到演讲目的具有重要的启示作用。
Interpersonal Functions of Personal Pronouns and Modal Verbs in English Political Speeches
Abstract: This paper attempts to discuss personal pronouns and modal verbs from the aspect of interpersonal relationship in English political speeches by meticulously selecting many fresh examples. The author puts forward that personal pronouns and modal verbs play indispensable roles in the realization of interpersonal relationship in English political speeches.It concludes that personal pronouns and modal verbs are major means to achieve the interpersonal meaning which contributes to establish the interaction between the speaker and the audience. The research is hoped to be of significance to guide people how to achieve the purpose in political speeches with the proper use of them. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key words: Interpersonal functions;Personal pronouns;Modal verbs;English political speeches [资料来源:www.doc163.com]