Abstract:In the Chinese nation's march toward modernization, the traditional is a need to address the problem of the traditional term for the secretarial work is no exception. Secretarial work of ancient China for thousands of years after the development and changes, the formation of its own rich and unique in many traditions, that is, the traditional secretarial work. These, like other traditions, like the traditional, there is also the essence of dross. Of modern secretarial staff to learn from China's ancient tradition of the fine secretarial work for the secretary to do a good job in the new period of practical guiding significance. In this paper, several well-known through the study of ancient staff secretary, the secretarial work of guiding significance to promote the work of the Secretary.
Key words: staff officer: Secretary; Inspiration
摘要 1
关键词 1
引言 2
一、敢于犯颜直谏的秘书长——魏征 2
(一)明确而独到的协调理念 3
(二)艰巨而复杂的协调任务 3
(三)得体而有效的协调艺术 5
二、刘基 6
(一)要做事,先做人 6
(二)踏实负责的工作态度 7
(三)透过现象,看清人与事的本质 7
三、他们的作为对于现代秘书工作的启示 7
(一)秘书人员应注意锻炼提高参谋意识和参谋能力 7
(二)主官开明程度影响秘参谋职能的发挥 8
结论 11
参考文献 12 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]