摘 要
【关键词】米兰•昆德拉; 小说; 受虐女性;软弱女性
An analysis of female images in Kundla's novels in Milan
Milan Kundera is a world renowned novelist, thinking of social phenomenon with his novels. He pointed to the plight of the society of the female image description, battered women's living condition is the author focuses on the description, the author of the novel in the image of battered women are discussed and the analysis of the characteristics of image description and in literature the significance of finding a new perspective.
[Key words] Milan Kundera; novel; abused women
目 录
摘要 2
引言 3
二、昆德拉小说中自愿受虐的女性形象 7
(一)灵与肉冲突中的牺牲品 8
(二)捆绑于女性身份中的受难者 9
三、昆德拉小说中被迫受虐的女性形象 10
(一)深陷于玩笑中的女性 11
(二)在媚俗中迷惘的女性 12
(三)正面田园牧歌中痛苦的精灵 13
四、昆德拉小说中受虐女性形象的独特性 14
(一)书写的独特性 15
(二)文学史意义的独特性 16
结束语 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]