摘 要: 杜甫被世人称为诗圣,在他的诗作当中,有很多内容上涉及春夏秋冬四季的诗篇,歌颂和感伤等不同的情感灌注诗词之间,形成了一道亮丽的风景线。本文主要是从两个方面研究杜甫的咏春诗,一是以时间为出发点,将杜甫的几个人生阶段中的咏春诗分别加以分析,窥探出杜甫的生活和思想的变化。二是以咏春诗的内容为出发点,归纳出他咏春诗的不同内容,以此了解杜甫的情感的丰富性和诗歌内容的充实多样性。
On Du Fu's Spring Poems
Wang Dan (Tutor:xxx)
(College of Material Science, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, Hubei,435002)
Abstract :Du Fu was called the poem saint by the world. Among his poems, there were many poems, eulogies and sentiments involving the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, which formed a beautiful landscape. This article mainly studies Du Fu's poems in the following two aspects. First, taking the time as the starting point, it analyzes the poems of the two poems in the different stages of life of Du Fu and explores the changes of Du Fu's life and ideology. Second, based on the content of Qi Chun's poetry, the author summed up the different contents of his poems of Qi Chun, in order to understand the richness of Du Fu's emotions and the enrichment and diversity of poetry content.
Keywords :Du Fu; Qi Chun's poetry; lyricism; artistic characteristics
目 录
一、前言 1
二、杜甫咏春诗创作概况 1
三、杜甫咏春诗的抒情主题 2
(一)送别情怀 2
(二)眷恋友情亲情 3
(三)关注国家政治 4
(四)叹老惜时与自怜情怀等 5
四、杜甫咏春诗的艺术特色 7
(一)咏春诗的情景交融特点 7
(二)咏春诗的意象特点 8
(三)咏春诗的风格特点 9
五、结语 11
六、参考文献 13