摘 要
As is known to all, tao yuanming is one of the great ancient poet, he wrote and be preserved works in Chinese literature in the treasure house is seen as a glittering and translucent bright pearl, which has been flashing a bright light for more than one thousand years Shangri-la is one of his masterpieces, are generally thought Shangri-la record reflects tao yuanming to an ideal of social development, but in a certain extent, can also see that tao yuanming to the retirement of an experience In this paper, from the writing background and the author's age up and analysis of the author's experience, he prowled the also from his life experience and works, the outpouring of nature is analyzed. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Key words: Tao yuanming; Shangri-la record; He prowled the; experience
摘 要 2
关键词 2
Abstract 3
一、归隐时代背景 5
(一)时代背景 5
(二)生平介绍 5
二、 归隐的原因 5
(一)少年原因 5
(二)后人所诉 5
(三)自身因素 6
1.独善其身 6
2.穷且志坚 6
三 、归隐的过程 6
(一)生活的演变 6
(二)思想的演变 6
四、从整体上论《桃花源记》与归隐 7
(一)从结构上分析《桃花源记》 7
(二)从《桃花源记》的写作年代上看 7
(三)从《桃花源记》的内容上看 7
1、渔人进入桃源的过程反映了陶渊明的归隐过程 7
2、“桃源’’反映了陶渊明归隐后在田园中找到的本真 8
3、桃源人的话反映了陶渊明的归隐态度 8
4. 从《桃花源 记》的表现手法来看 9
参考文献: 10 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]