By vehicle suspension we mean a mechanism that links the wheel directly to the body or to a frame attached to the it.
Because a rigid vehicle with more than three wheels is a hyperstatic sys-tem, it is necessary for the vehicle structure to be flexible enough to allow the simultaneous contact of the wheels with the ground. Alternatively the wheels may be connected to a rigid body through a deformable system, the suspension. This second solution is adopted by most vehicles, while the first, widely found in horse carriages in the past, is now used on particularly slow vehicles. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
In many cases, to suspension deformation must be added structural deforma-tion, which plays an important role in the handling and comfort characteristics of a vehicle.
To accomplish their task, suspensions must:
•Allow a distribution of forces, exchanged by the wheels with the ground, complying with design specifications in every load condition
•Determine the vehicle trim under the action of static and quasi-static forces