1. PLC的特点及应用
(1) 可靠性
a. 可编程控制器不需要大量的活动部件和电子元件,接线大大减少,与此同时,系统的维修简单,维修时间缩短,因此可靠性得到提高。
b. 可编程控制器采用一系列可靠性设计方法进行设计,例如冗余设计,掉电保护,故障诊断,报警和运行信息显示和信息保护及恢复等。
c. 可编程控制器有较强的易操作性,它具有编程简单,操作方便,编程的出错率大大降低,而为工业恶劣操作环境设计的硬件使可靠性大大提高。
d. 可编程控制器的硬件设计方面,采用了一系列提高可靠性的措施。例如,采用可靠性高的工业级元件,采用先进的电子加工工艺(SMT)制造,对干扰采用屏蔽、隔离和滤波等;存储器内容的保护,采用看门狗和自诊断措施,便于维修的设计等。
The future development trend of PLC
In the field of industrial automation control is divided into PLC, industrial control and embedded control, and the PLC since 1968 after the birth at an alarming rate in this area has become the dominant service provider, for a wide range of automation control equipment to provide a very reliable control applications. The main reason is that it is able to control the application of automation to provide a safe, reliable and fairly complete solutions for industrial enterprises in the current automation needs.
1. PLC characteristics and application
(1) reliability
The reliability of the product's effectiveness and maintainability. Programmable controller and high reliability, performance in the following areas:
a. does not require a large number of programmable logic controller moving parts and electronic components, greatly reducing wiring, at the same time, simple in-house maintenance, maintenance time, so reliability is improved. [资料来源:]