智能教育环境,即利用信息通信技术(ICT)的学习环境,引起了极大的关注。为了扩展这种环境,我们需要一个能够建立配套有云系统学习环境的系统,以减轻教学人员的巨大压力。这种系统的重要问题是可扩展性,因为系统应该适应多种原始数字学习材料而且修改最少。因此,本文提出了“智能教育系统应用框架:SES框架”。在该智能教育系统中,可以从不同的社交媒体自动检索关于嵌入在原始数字学习材料中的技术术语的多方面信息。它们还可以根据用户的操作显示在多屏设备上。它基于“转换模型”实现,该转换模型使原始数字学习材料能够迁移到智能教育环境。它还为学员提供了一个简单的操作流程,名为“三步选择流程”。源自模型 - 视图 - 控制器(MVC)模式的SES框架基于系统体系结构,该体系结构能够针对用户面前的原始数字学习材料,外部社交媒体和屏幕设备实现三重混搭。所有这些功能都已在云系统上实施。我们通过实现示例展示了SES 框架。我们还通过指出系统修改案例研究来证明SES框架的有效性。
关键词:应用程序框架,智能教育,移动和云系统,面向服务的体系结构,模型 - 视图 -控制器 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
An Application Framework for Smart Education System Based on Mobile and Cloud Systems
SUMMARY Smart education environment, that is a learning environ- ment utilizing the Information Communication Technology (ICT), has at- tracted a great deal of attention. In order to expand this environment, we need a system that can establish the learning environment armed cloud sys- tems to reduce a significant strain on teaching staff. The important issue for such system is extensibility because the system should be adapted to many kinds of original digital learning material with minimum modifica- tion. Therefore, this paper proposes “An Application Framework for Smart Education System: SES Framework”. In this Smart Education System, multi-aspect information concerning to a technical term embedded in the original digital learning material can be retrieved from different social me- dia automatically. They can be also displayed on multi-screen devices ac- cording to user’s operation. It is implemented based on “Transforming Model” which enables the migration of the original digital learning mate- rial to the smart education environment. It also has an easy operation flow for trainees named “three-step selection flow”. SES Framework derived from Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is based on the system archi- tecture that enables triple mashup against the original digital learning ma- terial, external social media, and screen devices in front of users. All these functionalities have been implemented on cloud systems. We show SES Framework through the implementation example. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of SES Framework by indicating the system modification case study.
key words: application framework, smart education, mobile and cloud systems, service-oriented architecture, Model-View-Controller [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]