办公自动化OFFICE AUTOMATION(中文2200字,英文1000字)
办公自动化是一个统称,包括了办公环境中应用于广泛领域的计算机通讯和信息技术。尽管自动化处于不断变化的状态,但市场的规模庞大,以每年数十亿美元标准的投资扩张着。自动化不仅改变了我们的工作环境,而且甚至于改变了我们的工作概念。 我们今天看到的技术曾在20世纪60年代,当时三个清晰可见的发展趋势开始变得十分明显。首先是计算机的使用,其中最早的应用是自动工资表和库存控制系统。其它应用还仅限于数字数据处理。这些系统通常只由该数据处理部门组织中的程序员,谨慎地控制自己的电脑和在电力驱动下电脑给予他们的数据。然而,计算机结构设置的应用有逐渐扩大到越来越多的种类的趋势。 技术发展的第二个趋势是在文字处理领域。在70年代中期,IBM推出一个产品,称为MCST-磁卡Selectric打字机。这个装置有一个装着电子设备的盒子。操作员将一个涂有特殊涂层的标准IBM尺寸和形状的穿孔卡片插入盒子顶部的狭缝里,通常将其附加打字机类型。该卡用于存储设备,文本将写在其中的以磁化点为基础的代码上。将其插入盒子后,文本将会被编辑和回放,可在与之相连接的打印机上打印出副本。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Office Automation is a general term that includes a wide range of applications of computer, communication and information technologies in office environments. Though automation is in a continual state of flux, the size of the market is huge, with annual investments measured in billions of dollars. Automation has altered not only our work environment, but our very concept of work. The technology we see today had its start in the 1960s, when 3 clearly identifiable streams of development became evident. The first was computing, where the earliest applications were automated payroll and inventory-control systems. Other applications were also limited to the processing of numerical data. These systems were usually operated only by programmers in the data-processing division of the organization, who jealously guarded their computers and the power their knowledge of the computer gave them. Nevertheless, the applications of computers in organizational settings grew to include more and more kinds of data processing. The second stream of technological development was in the area of text processing. In the mid-1970s IBM introduced a product called the MCST - Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter. This device had a box crammed with electronic equipment.