摘要:比较了配电网中性点不同接地方式的优缺点。对配电网经电阻接地对供电可靠性、通信、人身安全、开关维护的影响进行了分析,指出必须根据电网实际情况,因地制宜,综合考虑,合理选择中性点接地方式,时电容电流小的配电网仍可采用不接地方式,对电容电流较大、架空线路为主的配电网应选择自动跟踪消弧线圈接地方式,对电缆为主的配电网, 中性点经电阻接地是优先选择的方式。
Participants distribution network neutral point earthing way
Summary : comparison of the distribution network neutral point of the advantages and disadvantages of different methods grounded. To the distribution network on the resistance grounded electricity reliability, communications, physical security, the impact of switching to an analysis that must be based on the actual situation grid conditions, taken together, a reasonable choice of neutral point earthing, capacitance currents, the distribution network can still use small non-grounded approach to capacitance currents larger, overhead lines on the distribution network should choose automatic tracking wave half circle grounded approach to cable-based distribution network, the resistance grounded neutral point is the preferred approach.
Keywords : neutral point earthing; Resistance grounded; Eliminate half circle; Resistance value choice