摘 要:研究了灵芝单个孢子在不同温度,pH值,照光条件的萌发情况,以及不同矿质元素存在,不同热刺激温度和时间,不同浸泡时间等条件影响下的孢子萌发率。结果表明:灵芝单孢子萌发的最适条件是28℃,pH5,黑暗;0.1 mg/ml 浓度范围的MgSO4,CaC12,FeC13能促进孢子萌发,在适宜条件下以50℃热激20min萌发率最高,以孢子在蒸馏水中浸泡24h后萌发率最高,达74.3%。
Study on monospore germination condition of Ganoderma lucidum
Abstract:This paper studies the monospore germination condition of Ganoderma lucidum, the monospores were treated with different temperature and pH, lighting or not, adding various mineral element, heating and soaking. The results showed that, the most suitable germination condition of the monospore is that the temperature is 28 degrees C, the pH is 5 and don’t given lighting; adding MgSO4,CaC12,FeC13 which concentration is 0.1 μg/mL could accelerate the germination; for the treatment with 50 degrees C for 30min, the germination rate reached 78.7%; when the monospores were soaked for 24h, the germination rate reached 74.3%. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
key word: Ganoderma lucidum, monospore, germination condition, effect element, germination rate