
摘 要:【目的】了解猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌半乳糖苷ABC转运通透酶的结构和功能。【方法】根据GeneBank中猪传染性胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(Actionobacillus pleuropneumoniae,App)半乳糖苷ABC转运通透酶序列以及核苷酸序列,对其编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析利用。【结果】 App 半乳糖苷ABC转运通透酶由1014个核苷酸所组成,编码的蛋白质由337个氨基酸组成。该蛋白质的分子量(MW)为3.61kd,理论等电点(pI)为9.17。测序表明其序列与GenBank公布的一致;蛋白质序列与 App血清7型AP76株的同源性为99%;与App 血清5b型L20株的同源性为99%。该蛋白具有184个螺旋,48个折叠,105个无规则卷曲。其第41-326个氨基酸之间具有一个BDP transp 2结构域,其分子功能是使定向运动的物质(如大分子,小分子,离子)在细胞内或之间进出。跨膜区预测结果证明包含7或8个跨膜区域。【结论】App 半乳糖苷ABC转运通透酶蛋白具有精确的碱基合成酶活性和转运活性且为跨膜蛋白。
Bioinformation analysis of galactoside ABC transporter
Abstract:【Objective】 This study aimed to investigate structure and function of App galactoside ABC transporter, permease protein.【Methods】Primers for App galactoside ABC transporter, permease protein was designed based on genomic sequence of Actionobacillus pleuropneumoniae in GeneBank. The structure and function was predicated by biosoftware. 【Results】permease protein of App galactoside ABC transporter contained 1014bp. Its coded protein contained 337 amino acides with molecular weight of 3.61Kd . The sequence of this gen of App serotypes 1 has 99% homology with that of App serotype 7 strain AP76; and 99% homology with that of App serum type 5b strain L20 . Permease protein of App galactoside ABC transporter had 184 helix,48 enfoldment,105 random coil。This protein had a BDP transp 2 domain between 41-326 amino acid, and It is responsible for making the directional movement of substances such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions into/out of cells or between cells. Transmembrane prediction proved to contain 7/8 transmembrane regions. 【Conclusion】Permease of protein App galactoside ABC transporter has highly-precise base synthetase activity and transporting activity . It is a transmembrane protein. [版权所有:]
Key words: Actionobacillus pleuropneumoniae; galactoside ABC transporter, permease protein; bioinformatics analysis
目 录 5000字
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 材料与方法 3
2.1 氨基酸序列查找 3
2.2 BLAST与结构分析 3
3 结果 4
3.1 氨基酸序列以及核苷酸序列 3
3.2 半乳糖苷ABC转运通透酶基因序列和蛋白氨基酸序列的
相似性比对分析结果 4
3.2.1 Nucleotide Blast 分析和比对结果 4
3.2.2 Protein blast 分析和比对结果 6
3.3 二级结构分析结果 7
3.3.1 跨膜区预测结果 8
3.4 功能分析 10
4 结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12