The establishment of an animal trauma model can help humans to understand the changes in the tissues of trauma repair, so as to help develop new drugs.
In this study, 5 cases of 2cm long square wound were cut in the back of the rabbit, and the wound was divided into blank control group, positive control group, laboratory homemade sample (1) group, laboratory homemade sample (2) Group, and laboratory samples (3). The healing effect of each group was evaluated by calculating the healing rate of each wound. After 28 days of continuous observation, the results showed that the laboratory self-made samples (1) the highest healing rate, the initial display of the above four drugs in the laboratory samples (1) the best. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: Trauma model, healing rate, wound repair
摘要 I
Abstract II
1.1. 创伤愈合的类型 3
1.1.1 一期愈合 3
1.1.2 二期愈合 3
1.1.3 痂下愈合[5] 3
1.2 组织修复过程的三个阶段 3
1.3 创伤模型的建立 4
1.3.1 药物渗透模型的建立 4
1.3.2 皮肤切除伤模型 4
1.3.3皮肤线型切割伤口模型 4
1.3.4烧伤的模型 5
1.3.5断层皮创面愈合模型 5
1.4创面修复的发展与应用 5
1.4.1创面修复的发展 5
1.4.2创面修复的应用 5基因工程的应用 5生物材料的使用 6
1.5研究思路 6
第二章材料与方法 7
2.1实验动物 7
2.2实验试剂 7
2.3实验仪器与用品 7
2.4实验设计 8
2.4.1兔子创伤模型的建立 8
2.5给药 8
2.5.1创伤表面的观察 8
2.6家兔创面的愈合率计算 9
第三章:实验结果与讨论 10
3.1各组创面形态学观察 10
3.2创面面积愈合率的计算 12
3.3 实验结果 14
3.4讨论 15
第四章展望 16
参考文献: 17
致谢 19 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]