摘 要:研究了几种促进剂对粘性红圆酵母RM-1类胡萝卜素发酵的影响,从中选出了正己烷、青霉素、半胱氨酸(Cys)和α-酮戊二酸4种对红酵母生长及类胡萝卜素合成具有显著促进作用的发酵助剂,并确定了适宜的用量.应用试验和正交分析表明,这4种发酵助剂增产效果明显.当同时添加青霉素2mg/L、半胱氨酸4mg/L、α-酮戊二酸1.4mg /L、正己烷20ml/L时, 生物量、类胡萝卜素含量和产量分别可达27.3g/L、490.5μg/g和13.4mg/L,依次比初筛中提高29.4%、29.7%和67.9%,且对发酵过程菌体生长及生理代谢规律无不良影响.
Conditions Optimization of Carotenoid Liquid Feimentation by Rhodotorula
Abstract:The effects of some additives on the growth,carotenoid content and yield of rhodotorula mucilaginosa RM-1 were studied .The results showed that the suitable concentrations of normal hexane,penicillin,cysteine and α-ketoglutarate could obviously increase the biomass and the biosynthesis of carotenoids from this strain.When the penicillin of 2mg/L,cysteineof 4 mg/L,α-ketoglutarate of 1.4mg/L and normal hexane of 20ml/L were added to the media,the cell biomass,carotenoid content in the cells and the yield of carotenoids could reach 27.3g/L、490.5μg/g and 13.4mg/L and be increased by 29.4%、29.7% and 67.9%, respectively. In terms of the results, normal hexane, penicillin, cysteine and α-ketoglutarate belong to four kinds of very important promotor to carotenoid fermentation by rhodotorula mucilaginosa RM-1. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Key words: rhodotorula mucilaginosa; carotenoids; fermentation; fermentation promotor