摘 要:本文以蘑菇为主要原料,研究了蘑菇软罐头的加工工艺技术。研究结果表明,选用盐渍的蘑菇为原料,在0.80%的抗坏血酸和0.30%NaCl的混合溶液中浸泡30分钟为其护色,经漂洗后,于煮沸的香料水内预煮5分钟,使菇体生熟度一致,捞出沥干水分,每100g蘑菇加入4g食盐、3g味精、1g花椒粉、4g辣椒和0.5g香油,经拌料后装袋、封口,于85℃水中杀菌20分钟,其产品质量最佳。
Soft canned mushroom processing technology research
Abstract:In this paper,mushroom were used to be principal raw material to study the soft canned mushroom processing technology. The results showed that the salt marsh of the mushroom as raw material, alums in 0.80% Vc and 0.20% natrium chloride 20 minutes within the aqueous solution to protect its color, after as a result of rinsing, in boiling spice water with many perfumes, cook 5minutes to make the mushroom body evenly mature, remove, drain, then mixing the flavor including 4gram sodium chloride, 3gram sodium glutamate, 1gram paprika powder,4gram hot pepper and 0.5gram sesame oil into the mushroom per 100 gram, then seal it and put it into the water of 85℃, sterilized 20minutes, we can get the best quality of this products. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words:mushroom;soft can;protect colour;flavour;sterilize [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]