摘 要:为了研究花生芽提取物对脂肪酶起作用的活性成分白藜芦醇,在培养花生芽过程中,通过用暗室和通光培养进行对照,筛选出白藜芦醇含量高的实验组;花生芽在120 ℃干燥后粉碎用95%乙醇提取2 h,提取液抽滤,然后减压浓缩并冷冻干燥得相应的提取物浸膏。通过测得暗室和光照培养的花生芽对脂肪酶的抑制值IC50分别为9.5 mg/mL和16.3 mg/mL,实验测定了抑制常数9.6 mg/mL 。Dixon 图和Lineweaver-Burk图的特征表明,该抑制剂对脂肪酶的抑制呈非竞争性抑制。
Peanut Bud Extraction to Fat Enzyme Activity Influence
Abstract: In order to study peanut bud extract the role of the lipase active ingredient resveratrol, peanut bud in the training process, through the use of dark room and light in culture were compared, and selected high content of resveratrol in experimental group; peanut bud crushed with 95% ethanol extract 2 h, extract and filtered, then concentrated under vacuum and freeze-dried extract gave the corresponding extract. PPase darkroom, and lighting by cultured peanut bud lipase inhibition IC50 values were 9.5 mg / mL, and 16.3 mg / mL, inhibition constants were determined by experiment 9.6 mg / mL. Dixon Figure Lineweaver-Burk graph feature shows that the inhibition of the lipase inhibitor was non-competitive inhibition. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Key words: Peanut bud extract,Bai Veratrum alcohol,Lipase inhibitor,Extract,IC50
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 1
2 花生芽的提取及对脂肪酶活性的影响 3
2.1 材料与仪器 3
2.2实验方法 4
2.2.1 花生芽的培养 4
2.2.2 花生芽的提取,分离,纯化 4
2.2.3白藜芦醇的浓度和吸光度的关系测定 5
2.2.4脂肪酶液的制备 5
2.2.5显色剂制备 5
2.2.6油酸的浓度和吸光度的关系测定 5
2.2.7脂肪酶活性测定 5
2.2.8脂肪酶酶活性计算 6
2.2.9脂肪酶抑制剂抑酶活的测定 6
2.2.10花生芽乙醇提取物对脂肪酶促动力学的影响 6
3 结果与分析 6
3.1脂肪酶活性测定 6
3.2白藜芦醇标准曲线的绘制 8
3.3花生芽提取物中白藜芦醇的含量测定 9
3.4花生芽提取物对脂肪酶活性的影响 9
3.5脂肪酶抑制剂对酶促反应动力学的影响 10
4 结论与讨论 14
4.1 讨论 14
4.2 结果 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 17