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摘  要
本研究选取武汉市典型信号交叉口进行人工观测及无人机视频观测,运用视频处理软件Tracker分析视频,提取视频中危险变道车辆以及周围车辆的坐标、速度等,分析处理变道车辆时变轨迹上各点的交通流参数,由此给出了信号交叉口危险变道行为的定义,提出了危险变道行为分类方法;对危险变道行为进行了阶段划分,并基于碰撞时间( )提出变道碰撞时间( )的概念,建立轨迹上各点对应 方向(与行车道平行)及 方向(与行车道垂直)上的变道碰撞时间模型;基于变道行为的三阶段及每阶段对应的变道碰撞时间平均值,建立基于时变轨迹的变道行为危险性识别模型,运用熵权法确定参数权重,并对危险度进行分级;基于视频数据的分析及危险性识别模型的应用,以友谊大道-工业路交叉口为研究对象,分析信号交叉口变道行为的危险性,包括变道行为不同阶段特性、不同类型变道行为特性,并在分析结果的基础上提出信号交叉口进口道危险变道行为改善措施。 [资料来源:]

The lane change behavior is the driving behavior that often occurs at signalized intersections. However, improper lane change will cause danger and traffic accidents. The signalized intersection is the traffic node where the transportation network vehicle changesthe driving direction.There are large traffic flow, complex traffic environment,traffic jamsand frequent lane changebehaviorsat the signalized intersection. Some drivers often make dangerous lane changes in order to drive into the target lane or the lane with short queue faster.Such dangerous lane changes will disrupt the orderly traffic flow and reduce the traffic efficiency at intersections. On the other hand, they will invade the driving space of surrounding vehicles and increase the probabilityof conflict and accidents.Based on the intersection video data from UAV aerial photography,we studythe risk of lane change behaviorsbased on the time-varying trajectory. [版权所有:]
In this paper,we selected Wuhan's typical signalized intersection for manual observations and UAV video observations, usinga video processing software (Tracker) to analyze the video. From the video, we can extract and analyze thecoordinateand speed of lane-changing vehicles and surrounding vehicles. As a result, we defined and classified the dangerous lane change behavior. Additionally,we divided the dangerous lane change behaviorandproposed theprospect of lane change collision time ( )basedon collision time ( ).We established the lane change collision time model at the directions parallel to the roadway ( ) and perpendicular to the traffic lane ( ).In view of the three phases’ averagelane change collision time, we established a risk model based on the time-varying trajectory. The weights weredetermined by entropy weight method and the risk degree is graded;Through the analysis of video data and the use of risk model, we analyzed the risk of lane change behaviorsatthe intersection of Youyi Avenue-Industry Road,including the characteristics of different types of lane change behaviors and different stages of lane change behaviors. Based on the analysis results, the measures to improve the behavior of dangerous lane changes at the entrances to signalized intersections were proposed.


Keywords: Signalized intersection; Lane change behavior; Time-varying trajectory; Risk;Lane change collision time
目  录
目录    1
第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究目的及意义    1
1.2.1研究目的    1
1.2.2研究意义    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.3.1驾驶员变道行为研究    2
1.3.2驾驶员变道模型研究    2
1.3.3交通冲突的危险性研究    2
1.3.4研究现状评述    3
1.4研究内容与技术方案    3
1.4.1研究内容    3
1.4.2研究方法    4
1.4.3研究技术路线    4
1.5论文结构    6
第2章车辆危险变道行为数据调查    7
2.1危险变道行为定义    7
2.2危险变道行为分类    7
2.3调查目的与内容    8

2.3.1调查目的    8
2.3.2调查内容    8
2.4调查方案    8
2.4.1调查方法    8
2.4.2调查地点    10
2.4.3调查流程    12
2.5调查数据提取    12
2.5.1样本提取原则    12
2.5.2数据提取方法    12
2.5.3提取主要参量    13
2.6调查数据统计分析    14
2.6.1危险变道类型规律    14
2.6.2危险变道车型分布规律    15
2.6.3危险变道车辆速度时变特性    15
2.6.4危险变道车辆位置时变特性    18
2.7本章小结    20
第3章信号交叉口变道行为危险性识别模型    21
3.1车辆变道阶段划分    21
3.2模型研究思路    21
3.3变道行为时变轨迹冲突点的危险性识别模型    22
3.3.1 碰撞时间( )基本原理    22
3.3.2基于变道碰撞时间( )的危险性识别模型    22 [来源:]
3.4变道行为危险性识别模型    24
3.4.1熵权法介绍    25
3.4.2熵权法基本步骤    25
3.4.3熵权法赋权    26
3.5危险度等级划分    27
3.6本章小结    27
第4章信号交叉口变道行为危险性分析    29
4.1变道行为不同阶段特性分析    29
4.1.1变道行为不同阶段变道碰撞时间分析    29
4.1.2变道行为不同阶段速度分布特性分析    30
4.2不同类型变道行为特性分析    31
4.2.1不同类型变道行为车型分布规律    31
4.2.2不同类型变道行为冲突数分析    32
4.2.3不同类型变道行为危险度分析    33
4.3信号交叉口进口道危险变道行为改善措施    34
4.4本章小结    34
第5章结论与展望    35
5.1总结    35
5.2研究创新点    35
5.3研究展望    36 [资料来源:]
参考文献    37
致谢    39

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