
摘 要
对于共享同一工作空间的多机器人系统,多机器人系统的碰撞避免是多个机器人保持正常的工作状态的前提和基础。为了保证多机器人能协调运动,需要研究机器人运动学、碰撞检测以及无碰撞路径搜索等方面的内容。本文以双机器人系统为具体研究对象,对共享同一工作空间的两个机器人在运动过程中的碰撞避免问题展开研究,提出一种多机器人避碰算法。本文围绕多机器人避碰的问题,进行如下具体的研究:建立2个机器人的运动学模型,推导机器人的运动学方程,并确定机器人的运动优先级;给2个机器人指定各自的初始位姿和终点位姿,并进行笛卡尔空间轨迹规划,通过求逆运动学解,获得关节的运动角度;对机器人的运动过程进行碰撞检测;当检测到碰撞时,构建从机器人的C空间,将障碍物向C空间映射,求解自由空间;确定路径搜索起点和路径搜索终点,在自由空间中搜索无碰撞路径。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Withthe characteristics of emerging industry products gradually changing to small-batch and multi-species, The work of the robot is faced with special conditions, complex environment, tough task and so on, which made a higher demand for the robot’s flexibility. It is advisable to accomplish more complex and diverse tasks through coordinated collaboration among multi-robots. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
For multi-robot system shared working space, avoiding collision is the basis and prerequisite for robots remaining the normal working state.In order to ensure that multi-robot can coordinate the motion, this paper will study the aspects of robot’s kinematics, detectioncollisionand free-collision path planning. In this paper, we use the dual robot system that shared working space as the specific studying object, studying the problem of the collision between the two robots, putting forward a kind of Free-collision algorithm for multi-robot system. Then focusing on the problem of multi-robot avoidingcollision, This paper carries out the following specific research: building the kinematics model of two robots, deriving the kinematic equation of the robots, and determining the motion priority of the robots; towards specifying the starting pose and the desired pose of the two robots, planning trajectory in cartesian space for them; through the inverse kinematics solution, getting all joints’ movement Angle; detecting Collision between the robots; When the collision is detected, building the robot's C-space, then mapping the obstacles to the C-space, finally computing the free space; Determining the starting point and the endpoint for path-search, searching for free-collision paths in the free space.
Based on the dual UR3 robot system shared working space, Free-collision algorithmfor the robot system is simulatedwith MATLAB in this paper.Through theprocess of the simulation, Free-collision path of the robot system is finding out.The effectiveness of theFree-collision algorithm is confirmed and the feasibility of Free-collision algorithm is verified in this paper. The main researching work and results are as follows:
Building kinematics model for Dual robots system. In this paper, combining with the UR3 robot, forward kinematicsand inverse kinematics of the robot are derived.Aiming at the specified starting pose and the desired pose of the robots, this paper plans the trajectory for the two UR3 robots.
Detecting collision for two robot systems. In this paper,firstly we builds a geometric model of the UR3 robot, thencombining with the dual UR3 robots system, we adopts the detection
collision algorithm to compute the mining distance between the two robots.
Building C-space of the Robots. In this paper,by defining the two robot's motion priorities,building the C-space of the robots and making the C-spacediscrete, this paper computes the free space of the robots.
Free-collision path planning for robots. In this paper, by studying the rapidly randomexpanding tree algorithm(RRT) and combining with dual UR3 robots, we findafree-collision path from the free space of the robots.
Key words: dualrobot system; C-space; detection collision; path planning; RRT algorithm; Free-collision algorithm

目 录
摘 要 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 多机器人系统概述 1
1.2 引言 2
1.3 研究意义 3
1.4 国内外研究现状 4
1.4.1 基于C空间的避障路径规划算法 4
1.4.2 基于笛卡尔空间的避障路径规划算法 5
1.5 课题研究内容与研究思路 6
1.5.1 研究内容 6
1.5.2 研究思路 6
1.6 论文结构 7
第2章 机器人运动学与轨迹规划 9
2.1 引言 9
2.2 坐标变换 9
2.2.1 齐次变换矩阵 9 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
2.2.2 坐标系变换的表示 10
2.3 运动学分析 11
2.3.1 正向运动学 11
2.3.2 逆向运动学 14
2.4 建立模型 17
2.4.1 基座坐标系与世界坐标系的转换 17
2.4.2 创建模型 18
2.5 机器人轨迹规划 19
2.5.1 机器人轨迹规划概述 19
2.5.2 机器人的轨迹规划原理 19
2.5.3 机器人轨迹规划的实现 20
2.6 本章小结 25
第3章 碰撞检测 26
3.1 引言 26
3.2 碰撞检测算法 26
3.2.1 碰撞检测的思路 26
3.2.2 机器人的几何建模 27
3.2.3 胶囊体与胶囊体碰撞检测算法 28
3.2.4 球体与球体碰撞检测算法 31
3.2.5 球体与胶囊体碰撞检测算法 31
3.2.6 碰撞检测流程 32
3.3 关节的直角坐标计算 33
3.4关于安全距离的讨论 35
3.5 碰撞检测算法的实现 36
3.5.1 碰撞检测的最小距离 36
3.5.2 碰撞检测的效率 37
3.6 本章小结 38
第4章 C空间构建 39
4.1 引言 39
4.2 运动优先级 39
4.3 C空间的选择 40
4.4 C空间离散化 40
4.5 自由C空间构建 42
4.5.1 C空间映射 43
4.5.2 自由空间求解 44
4.5.3 自由空间构建的实现 45
4.6 本章小结 46
第5章 路径搜索算法 47
5.1 引言 47
5.1.1 路径搜索概述 47
5.1.2 综合评价 47
5.2 搜索可行性的判定 48
5.2.1 路径搜索起点的讨论 48
5.2.2 路径搜索终点的讨论 49 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
5.2.3 路径搜索成功的条件 49
5.3 路径搜索算法原理 50
5.4 路径搜索算法的实现 51
5.5 无碰撞路径分析 53
5.6 算法的优缺点分析 56
5.6.1 实验结果分析 56
5.6.2 RRT算法优缺点分析 59
5.7 本章小结 59
第6章 总结与展望 60
6.1 总结 60
6.2 展望 60
参考文献 62
致谢 65