
摘 要:本论文论述大型企业网络相关技术及构建。介绍了企业园区网,概述企业园区网模型;如何设计一个大型的企业网络,包括网络的层次化设计,网络的模块化设计;现行企业园区网络的路由和交换等关键技术,包括路由协议;组建一个大型的企业网络,包括网络拓扑的设计,设备的选择,交换部分的设计,IP地址的规划,最后将展示网络组建成功后所能实现的功能和作用。
关键词: 路由器;交换机;虚拟局域网 ;hsrp
Network design for the software company of SW
Abstract:The paper discourse upon the technology of large scale enterprise network and how to build it. What is campus network and what is campus model will discussed ,we will know how to design a large scale enterprise campus network, including hierarchical network design, blocking network design.and introducing the sticking point of routing technology and switching technology, including routing protocol. Then, we will utilize the equipments of the network to build campus network, including network topology design, choose the equipment, switching network design, IP addressing, the routing partial design, and the reliability and security of the network. At last the network function and operation which have been built will be show . [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words: router; switch; vlan; hsrp