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Performance Analysis of Hadoop Cluster Based on VMs and Docker
ABSTRACT:Cloud computing is based on the Internet, the sharing of software and hardware resources and information can be provided to the computer and other devices in this way. With the development of cloud computing technology, many enterprises put forward the related technology of different types of platform. Cloud computing is widely used in virtual machines (VM) because they are used to control the resources to allow for working load separation. But the extra level of abstraction reduces the performance of the work, making it not so worth forusers.Newer advances in container-based virtualization simplifies the deployment of applications while continuing to permit control of the resources allocated to different applications.This paper mainly based on the traditional virtual machine (VM) deployment of the Hadoop cluster and Docker based technology to build the Hadoop cluster as the representative of the comparison and analysis of their performance. The CPU performance, memory, network resources and storage are analyzed, and the performance of the node is calculated, and then the performance of the data is verified by the data obtained. With this analytical result, users can more clearly understand the characteristics of each platform, and a reasonable choice of appropriate platform. [资料来源:]
Keywords:Cloud computing;Virtual machine(VM); Docker; Performance analysis;Hadoop cluster


1 绪论    1
1.1课题研究背景及研究的目的和意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1虚拟机    1
1.2.2 容器    1
1.3本课题主要研究内容    1
1.4论文结构    2
2 运行环境    2
2.1 Linux容器—Docker    2
2.2 虚拟机--KVM    3
2.3 本章小结    5
3 Hadoop集群    5
3.1 Hadoop简介    5
3.1.1 MapReduce    5
3.1.2 HDFS    6
3.2 基于Docker搭建Hadoop集群的方法    6
3.2.1 Docker的安装    7 [来源:]
3.2.2 安装Ubuntu镜像    7
3.2.3 安装Java    7
3.2.4 安装Hadoop    7
3.2.5配置环境变量    8
3.2.6配置Hadoop    8
3.2.7 格式化namenode    10
3.2.8 安装SSH    10
3.2.9保存镜像副本    10
3.2.10 构建集群    10
3.3 本章小结    11
4 实验    11
4.1 测量指标    11
4.1.1 CPU性能    11
4.1.2 I/O性能    11
4.1.3 内存性能    12
4.1.4 网络性能    12
4.2 Hadoop性能基准测试    12
4.2.1 UnixBench    12
4.2.2 IOzone    13
4.2.3 Netperf    13
4.3 对Docker和VM平台的数据分析    13
4.3.1 UnixBench    13
4.3.2 IOzone    14
4.3.3 Netperf    15


4.4 Hadoop结点性能的计算    16
4.4.1 WordCount程序    17
4.4.2 数据去重程序    17
4.4.3 数据排序程序    17
4.4.4 实验计算验证结果    17
4.5 本章小结    18
5 结论与展望    18
5.1结论    18
5.2不足之处及未来展望    19
参考文献    19
致谢    21 [资料来源]

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