
Application research of network intrusion detection based on data mining [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Abstract:In today's rapid development of computer technology, network security is one of the computer network problems we need to focus on. With the development of network infrastructure and the rapid growth of computer users, there are more and more problems in network and information security. In the whole world of our daily life, information, information products, information assets and so on information correlation is extremely important. From the specific security incidents we can find that the importance of network security.
This paper combines the relevant knowledge of data mining with intrusion detection technology to protect network security. This paper introduces the basic concepts of data mining and intrusion detection. Some algorithms of data mining are introduced in detail. Including the specific principles of these algorithms, the advantages and disadvantages of them in intrusion detection, and proposed the algorithm improvement method.
Finally, the data from KDDCup99 database is used for testing. Network connection has 41 attributes and data has four basic characteristics. The experimental results are obtained by using only clustering algorithm and combining the three data mining algorithms. The three experimental results are compared and analyzed. Finally, the conclusion and prospect of the experiment are given.
Key words: data mining; intrusion detection; test ;clustering algorithm

1、绪论 1
1.1论文研究意义 1
1.2入侵检测技术的发展 1
2、入侵检测与数据挖掘 1
2.1网络入侵检测的环境分析 1
2.2入侵检测分类 2
2.3入侵检测相关介绍 3
2.4数据挖掘概述 4
2.5数据挖掘与入侵检测结合分析 5
2.6总结 6
3、基于数据挖掘的网络入侵检测算法 6
3.1聚类算法 6
3.2关联规则算法分析 8
3.3混合算法 13
3.4总结 14
4、实验与结果分析 14
4.1实验数据采集 14 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.2数据预处理 16
4.3实验结果分析 18
4.4两种实验结果对比分析 20
4.5总结 21
5、总结与展望 21
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