煤矿综合自动化网络结构设计与实现 Cont

摘 要:煤矿行业是我国最具传统色彩的行业之一,煤矿工业生产的自动化发展,是一个国家生产力发展水平的重要标志。因此煤矿产业应用综合自动化技术,从而全面提升我们煤矿企业的综合竞争力已成为基本共识。
论文结合煤矿井下胶带机集控系统,介绍了如何通过IGS实现组态软件iFIX与ControlLogix5550 可编程逻辑控制器之间的通信,I/O模块的组态。使用上位机软件IFIX进行人机界面的设计,同时使用下位机可编程逻辑控制器对胶带机运输系统进行实时控制。详细设计了罗克韦尔公司的三层网络结构(设备网、控制网、信息网)在煤矿井下胶带机集控系统中的应用。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词:综合自动化 现场总线 工业以太网 胶带机集控系统 可编程逻辑控制器 网络结构
The Design And Implementation of
Coal Mine Composite Automation Network Architecture [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Abstract: Coal mine industry is one of most traditional industry in our country, the development of automation in coal mine production is the important symbol in the development of productivity of one country. Therefore the coal mine industry apply composite automation technology, accordingly roundly increase integrated competition of the coal mine industry in our country has become the basic cognition.
Along with the precondition of Fully realize coal mine composite automation system development status and trend at home and abroad, through analyzing and study architecture form、characteristic and key technology of coal mine composite automation system, a design scheme of coal mine composite automation system based on an uniform information transport network is presented. It overcame the traditional disadvantage of equipments independently running, subsystems transporting by it, forming systems by itself, information which can't be shared. Analyzed main characteristic of field bus and Industry Ethernet, putted forward a network architecture scheme of integrated field bus and Industry Ethernet. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
This paper integrated coal mine Centralized control system of conveyer-belt, introducing how the correspondence between the configuration software iFIX and the ControlLogix5550 PLC, the configuration of I/O module through IGS. Design HMI using IFIX. At the same time, real-time control transport system of conveyer-belt using PLC. Particular design ROCKWELL 3 layer network architecture(Device Net、Control Net、Ethernet)application in coal mine centralized control system of conveyer-belt. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Keywords: composite automation; Field bus; The Industry Ethernet ;Centralized control system of conveyer-belt ;Programming Logic Controller(PLC); network architecture.
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 本课题的研究意义与研究背景 1
1.2 综合自动化系统的国内外发展现状和趋势 1
2 煤矿自动化系统的介绍 3
2.1 煤矿自动化系统的国外现状 3
2.2 煤矿自动化系统的国内现状 4
2.3 煤矿自动化系统的发展趋势 5
2.4 本文主要进行的工作 5
3 煤矿综合自动化系统网络结构分析与设计 5
3.1 煤矿综合自动化的网络结构形式与特点 5
3.2 几种体系结构的比较 8
3.3 本章小结 10
4 煤矿综合自动化系统网络结构关键技术研究 10
4.1 现场总线技术 10
4.2 工业以太网技术 12
4.3 现场总线与工业以太网技术的比较 14
4.4 本章小结 14
5 煤矿综合自动化系统传输网络结构设计 15
5.1 煤矿综合自动化系统传输网络需求分析 15
5.2 煤矿综合自动化系统传输网络总体设计原则 15
5.3 煤矿综合自动化系统传输网络设计思想 16
5.4 煤矿综合自动化系统传输网络设计方案 16
6煤矿井下胶带机集控系统中三层网络的设计 19
6.1 井下胶带机集控系统概述 19
6.2 煤矿井下胶带机集控系统控制模式 20
6.3 胶带机集控系统中下位机网络通信的实现 20
6.4 DEVICENET分析与设计 25
6.5 CONTROLNET分析与设计 28
6.6 ETHERNET分析与设计 33
6.7 本系统网络的上位机监控设计 34
6.8 煤矿综合自动化总体网络图 41
结 论 42
致 谢 43
参 考 文 献 44