摘 要
关键词:计算机安全;欢乐时光脚本病毒;病毒检测;病毒感染标识的匹配;遍历文件夹 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
The Implementation of HappyTime Virus Detection Software
Virus detection is one of the most significant technologies in computer security field as well as the core technology in anti-virus software. With the technology of virus detection, it is useful to discover whether a computer system is safe or not. Simultaneously, it could also inform users to do some preventive measure for virus promptly. Based on the basic concept and theory of computer virus and virus detection, a classical virus, the HappyTime script virus, is well analyzed first. After that, it points out the main methods of script virus prevention. Then the effective method to detect HappyTime script virus is concluded. Finally a virus detection software for HappyTime virus is designed and realized with VC++. The virus detection software is designed to detect a virus by matching the sign string of a virus while traversing the files. The functions of cleaning up relative registry and limiting the times of using are also available in the software. This virus detection software can accurately detect the files infected by the script of HappyTime virus in the computer system and delete the viral script.
Key words: Computer security; HappyTime script virus; Virus detection; Matching the sign string of a virus; Traversing files
本软件应能在Windows操作系统下运行,还需有使用方便,界面简洁友好等特性。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]