
摘 要
80 cent billiard-marker of system---- interface 、billiard-marker [来源:http://Doc163.com]
For the staff of the Amateur rich cultural life, commissioned by the unions in developing the 80cent game software. Playing cards as a recreational tool increasingly welcomed by the people. Whether to meet up with friends or family entertainment, cards are a good option. However, it has often been playing cards for the scoreboard stints. Although people can go to the Internet were playing cards, but there are still many limitations, such as the economic problems. "80 cents" program will be the development of the subsystem to solve the above problem, suitable units collectively "80 cents" game and the points rankings treatment. The major subsystems or development tool Visual Basic, database uses the ACCESS.This billiard-marker of system onstage development kit is VB,the backstage database selects is ACCESS.
Key words:billiard-marker; interface; system;forms; Database; Function module;
80分游戏的设计开发与应用通过VB程序开发实现和数据库信息系统的结合,对游戏各项属性变化实时的更新。并能过玩家对游戏的操作,增加游戏的娱乐性。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
操作系统:Microsoft Windows XP
程序语言:Visual Basic 6.0
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 80分计分系统开发的意义 1
1.2 程序说明及特点 1
1.3 80分游戏的描述 1
1.4 发展趋势 2
1.5 80分游戏处理方法简介 2
第二章开发环境及相关技术的介绍 4
2.1开发环境 4
2.2 VB6.0平台环境 4
2.3 ACCESS数据库简介 5
第三章 系统的总体设计 6
3.1 本人主要设计任务 6
3.2 80分游戏计分系统的陈述 6
3.3 建立系统模型 6
3.4 80分计分系统运行描述 13
3.5总体设计 14
3.6系统需要解决的有关技术问题 21
3.7 运行环境与系统结构 21
第四章 系统实现 22
4.1 80分游戏界面中需设计的操作 22
4.2总体测试 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]