
摘 要
本论文以电子商务兴起,许多商家在网上开店为背景,对网页的前端进行的研究和开发,以用户的实际需求为基准,借鉴专家学者在女装网店前端设计方面的研究理论,利用Adobe Dreamweaver和Adobe Photoshop来对网页进行设计和修饰。其中大体包括了用户注册登陆,商品浏览展示,购物车的实现,用户管理,留言管理,订单的管理等等。本文在女装网站建设方面注重网站的色彩搭配和协调,本文的特色是强调用户体验,其实用户在浏览网站就是和网站在进行交流,一个好的网站是讲究用户体验的,用户浏览网站时感觉到方便舒服,才是网站设计者的追求。
关键词:前端设计 Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Photoshop 女装网店 用户体验
The Foreground Design of Women’s Online Store
The word shopping is no longer new, but the heat in his daily life has not been reduced.This trend has become inevitable.With the improvement of people's daily level, people's quality of life also has a high demand, online shopping just proved this point. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
This thesis is based on the rise of e-commerce, and many businesses are on the Internet as the background.,research and development of the front end of the web page,Based on the actual needs of the user, learn from the experts and scholars in the design of women's women's shop front research theory,Use Dreamweaver Adobe and Photoshop Adobe to design and modify the web.Which includes the user registration and landing, commodity browsing, shopping cart implementation, user management, message management, order management and so on.This paper pays attention to the color collocation and coordination of website in the construction of women's websites.In this paper, the characteristic is to emphasize the user experience, in fact the user browsing the site is site in communication, a good web site is pay attention to the user experience, users browse the web site to feel comfortable and convenient, is the pursuit of the designers.
Keywords: Front end design; Adobe Dreamweaver; Adobe Photoshop ; Female clothing online ;User experience


摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2研究内容 2
1.3研究的思路和方法 2
第二章 文献综述 4
2.1相关研究综述 4
2.2页面开发工具综述 5
2.3页面修饰和色彩调试工具综述 5
第三章 女装网站系统规划设计 7
3.1女装网站系统总体设计 7
3.1.1定位女装网站的主题和名称 7
3.1.2定位女装网站的CI形象 7
3.1.3定位女装网站的类型 9
3.1.4确定栏目和板块 9
3.1.5确定网站的目录结构 10 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.1.6确定网站的链接结构 11
3.1.7网站风格的创意设计 13
3.2网站系统功能设计 13
第四章 女装网站系统实现 15
4.1前台管理 15
4.1.1用户注册登录 15
4.1.2商品展示 16
4.1.3购物中心和帮助中心 21
4.2后台管理 23
4.2.1用户管理 23
4.2.2订单管理 24
4.2.3留言管理 25
第五章 总结 26
参考文献 27
致谢 29