
关键词: 生物识别技术;指纹图像分割;分割特征;有效点聚集度
Research and Implementation of Segmentation Algorithm for Fingerprint Image
Abstract:With the development of the global economy, human beings have entered a digital society. At the same time, the endless stream of electronic products has entered into our lives. In this pursuit of efficient society, with a secure information environment, efficient identification technology will be people's needs.Biometrics (BIOMETRICS) technology is based on the characteristics of each person through the computer to identify the identity of the technology.Unlike previously identified identity methods (labeled items, marked knowledge), this technology has a better ability to identify and authenticity,which is used by countries, research and application.
Because of its reliability, invariance, ease of operation and other advantages, more and more people began to use this technology. Fingerprint recognition has become one of the synonyms of biometric technology.Fingerprint image segmentation is an important part of the pre-processing process of fingerprint image recognition system. The subsequent processing of fingerprint image is directly linked with segmentation result. An effective segmentation algorithm can improve the performance of the whole system.
In this paper, the fingerprint image segmentation algorithm based on block feature is discussed and realized. And compared with a segmentation algorithm using the feature of the effective point aggregation. Experiments show that the fingerprint image segmentation algorithm based on the effective point aggregation feature is robust and the segmentation module is clear and adaptable.
Keywords:Biometrictechnology;fingerprintimagesegmentation;segmentationfeature;Effective Point Cluster Degree
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2 生物特征识别技术概述 1
1.2.1 现今生物特征识别技术 1
1.2.2生物特征识别技术的发展 2
1.3 指纹识别技术概述 2
1.3.1 指纹识别技术的发展现状 2
1.3.2指纹识别技术的基本原理和过程 2
1.4 基于MATLAB的指纹图像分割 3
1.4.1MATLAB简介 3 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
1.5本文的研究内容及组织结构 4
2 指纹图像分割 5
2.1 图像分割 5
2.2 指纹图像分割目标 5
2.3指纹图像分割方法 6
2.3.1基于像素的分割方法 6
2.3.2基于块的分割方法 6
2.3.3基于全局特征的分割方法 7
2.4小结 7
3基于块特征的指纹图像分割算法 8
3.1经典基于块特征的指纹图像分割方法 8
3.1.1基于灰度均值的指纹图像分割方法 8
3.1.2基于灰度方差的指纹图像分割方法 9
3.1.3基于方向一致性的指纹图像分割方法 10
3.2基于有效点聚集度的指纹分割方法 12
3.3算法实现与实验结果 14
3.4小结 20
4 总结和展望 21
4.1 总结 21
4.2 展望 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24 [来源:http://Doc163.com]