
创建应用程序的方式是采用ASP.NET技术,是是一种Web编程语言。选择的开发工具是Microsoft Visual Studio 2010和Microsoft SQL Server 2005;这两个工具是我们在校学习最多的,编程语言采用C#;系统分为前台和后台,前台主要包括会员注册与登录模块,除此之外,还包括景区景点模块、周边酒店模块、票务信息模块、保险信息模块的查询和预订下单等。后台是管理员负责对景点、票务、酒店、保险、会员等信息的管理。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
According to the development direction of the tourism industry, we will begin to study the content of this design, investigate the travel information required by the user, and use the method to develop the research direction. First, analyze the requirements and understand the feasibility of the tourist system. This time, the design of the system, the design of the sub-module, the user's requirements, the design of the functions of the modules, and the connections between the modules; And start to design the database e-r diagram, the connection between the design of each entity and attribute, and then according to the drawing of e-r diagram to create the information table, set up module structure; There are also use case diagrams for each role to analyze the required functionality modules.
Through the requirement analysis and system design, then, you can enter the system implementation stage, at this stage, through the existing development tools to complete the coding work, first completes the interface design of the home page, as well as the front page with the function module, function on each function module design and implementation. Through to the tourist information collection and in the database, data type design, can be directly input travel information in the database table, or in the implementation of add travel information to add page input interface, and stored in a database. In query information interface, has the authority to system design is divided into administrators and members in two ways, provide travel information has attractions, hotel, ticketing, insurance and other information. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
The way to create an application is by using ASP.NET technology, which is a Web programming language. The selected development tools are Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005; These two tools are the most studied in our school, and the programming language is in c #; System is divided into foreground and background, and the front desk mainly include member registration and login module, in addition, also includes scenic spots module, surrounding the hotel module, ticketing information module, the module information query and booking order, etc. In the background, the administrator is responsible for the management of information such as scenic spots, tickets, hotels, insurance, membersand so on.
Key words:Tourism website;ASP.NET;B/S structure
目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2目的和意义 1
第2章相关技术 2
2.1开发技术ASP.NET 2 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.2开发平台Visual Studio 2010 3
2.3 SQL Server 2005数据库 3
2.4.NET框架 3
2.5运行环境 4
2.6本章小结 4
第3章系统设计 4
3.1系统实现目标 4
3.2功能模块构造 5
3.3分层架构设计 6
3.4系统功能结构图 7
3.5流程图 8
3.6系统用例图 12
3.7 数据库的E-R图 15
3.8数据库创建表 18
3.9本章小结 23
第4章系统实现 24
4.1乐途旅游网站首页 24
4.2会员注册模块 25
4.3会员登录模块 26
4.4景区景点模块 27
4.5我的订单模块 29
4.6周边酒店模块 31
4.7票务信息模块 32
4.8保险信息模块 34 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.9管理员登录模块 35
4.10管理员景点管理模块 36
4.11管理员订票管理模块 37
4.12管理员酒店管理模块 38
4.13管理员保险管理模块 39
4.14本章小结 40
第五章系统测试 40
5.1系统测试目的与意义 40
5.2测试过程 41
5.3本章小结 42
结语 42
参考文献 43