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摘  要
本系统使用SUN公司推出的JSP进行前端开发,通过JSP和数据库进行无缝连接,大量应用了JAVA中的控件和触发事件。后台的数据库管理系统是SQL Server 2000,整个数据库都是相互关联的,具有较高的完整性,一致性和安全性。
关键词:房地产售房信息管理系统  数据库  JSP  SQL Server 2000



Real estate management Sales management system is an important part of the mechanism. Hong Gang by sales management system, sales management mechanisms for research and development of the Hong Gang sales management system. The system consists of five functional modules: real estate data management, housing data management, statistics, basic data editing, system maintenance. This paper describes the design of each functional module and the corresponding database design, to solve the beautiful South Real Estate Ltd Sales Management Services in home sales, orders, refunds and other issues related to statistics, the system can customers and employees a large number of data management, customer and employee information such as add, delete, modify, and query the same time, can real estate, chamber and other data and information management, such as for real estate, chamber information available at the input, modification and other management. Also, to meet the business requirements, the system also set up two privilege levels, to ensure information security. Finally, to achieve a data backup and restore functionality.

SUN has introduced the system uses the JSP front-end development, through the ADO and databases JAVA seamless connection, a JAVA application in a large number of controls and trigger events. Background database management system is SUN SQL Server 2000, the entire database are interrelated, with high integrity, consistency and safety.
Key words: residence sales management  database  JSP  SQL Server 2000

目  录
1 前  言    1
1.1 开发背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 系统设计目标    3
2 系统开发所采用的技术    5
2.1 JSP概述    5
2.2    SQL Server概述    5
2.3    JavaBeans技术    5
3 系统分析    8
3.1 系统可行性分析    8
3.2 需求分析    9
3.3 功能需求分析    9
3.4 业务流程分析    9

3.5 数据流程分析    10
3.6 数据字典    11
4 系统设计    12
4.1 总体设计    12
4.2 详细设计    13
4.3 数据库设计    14
5 系统详细设计与实现    21
5.1 登陆界面    21
5.2 楼盘资料管理    21
5.2.1 项目信息    21
5.2.2 户型信息    25
5.3 员工信息    26
5.3.1 项目信息    26
5.3.2 项目信息    27
5.4 客户信息    30
5.4.1 项目信息    30
5.4.2 项目信息    32
6 系统测试    35
6.1 测试概论    35
6.2 测试的重要性及目的    35
6.3 测试的步骤    36
6.4 测试的主要内容    36
结  论    39
谢  辞    40
参考文献    41

附  录    42

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