
摘 要
Design and implementation of material management system for central laboratory
As the lab grows, it contains more and more data. At the same time, with the rapid development of computer network technology, network management has become more and more widely used. Therefore, the establishment of a B/S structure of the central laboratory material management system to manage laboratory information, will make the management work systematized, standardized, but also improve the laboratory image, improve the management efficiency.
The central laboratory material management system is aimed at the actual needs of the current laboratory material management, starting from the actual work, analysis of the problems existing in the past central laboratory material management system, combined with the structure, concept, model, principle and method of the computer system, under the circumstances of various advantages of the computer, Using the most popular B/S structure and Java popular MVC three-tier design pattern, Idea editor, MySQL database design and implementation. The laboratory material management system of the center mainly includes personnel management, experimental material management, material procurement management, material storage management, material acquisition management, material out of storage management, experimental situation management, experimental cost management, laboratory management and other modules. It helps the laboratory material management to achieve information, network, through testing, to achieve the system design objectives, compared with the traditional management mode, the system makes reasonable use of network data resources, effectively reduce the economic input of laboratory material management, greatly improve the efficiency of laboratory material management.
Key words:Material management; B/S structure; Java programming language; The MySQL database

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 开发现状 1
1.3 论文组成结构 1
第2章 开发工具及相关技术介绍 3
2.1 Idea描述 3
2.2 MySQL描述 3
2.3 Tomcat描述 3
2.4 J2EE描述 4
2.5 Java描述 4
2.6 JavaBeen描述 4
第3章 系统分析 5
3.1 可行性分析 5
3.1.1 经济可行性 5
3.1.2 技术可行性 5
3.1.3 操作可行性 5
3.2 需求分析 5
3.3 系统业务流程分析 9
3.4 系统数据流程分析 9
第4章 系统设计 11
4.1 系统架构设计 11
4.2 系统功能结构 11
4.3 功能模块设计 12
4.4 数据库设计 14
4.4.1 概念模型设计 14
4.4.2 逻辑结构设计 14
第5章 系统实现 18
5.1 登录模块的实现 18
5.2 用户子系统模块的实现 19
5.2.1 实验材料采购模块 19
5.2.2 实验材料领取模块 19
5.3 管理员子系统模块的实现 20
5.3.1 人员管理模块 20
5.3.2 实验情况管理模块 21
5.3.3 实验材料管理模块 23 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
5.3.4 材料出入库管理模块 24
5.3.5 实验室管理模块 26
5.3.6 实验费用管理模块 27
第6章 系统测试 30
6.1 测试目的 30
6.2 测试用例 30
6.3 集成测试 31
第7章 结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 36 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]