
Abstract: Modern way of travel is the most important or rely on the car, with the rapid development of society, people's living standards improve, people's travel in the car become an irreplaceable part. Car rental companies appear to allow people to travel more convenient, but the traditional service marketing model has been clearly can not meet the needs of users, in short supply, mainly by the constraints of time and space. Therefore, the establishment of an intelligent car rental system is very necessary for the user and the company provides a rental platform. For the company, this is not only to open up the car rental market, leasing companies to provide more marketing channels, but also to save the company's cost of publicity. For the user is concerned, making the car more convenient and simple, save a lot of time. The according to the car rental industry in the development of distribution map and use case with the website and the feasibility of the use case analysis, introduced the website development process and application of what technology.The website operation mode can be divided into two parts: the operation of the front desk user and the backstage administrator. Provide web page browsing, customer registration, login, car information condition query, car rental and other functions to the user to use. Administrators can carry out the management of enterprise information release, user management, the order of the audit or delete and other functions. Web design using the B/S architecture (Browser / server model), the use of Java network programming language and HTML language, using Mysql as the background database, development tools using Dreamweaver and MyEclipse. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: Leasing platform; website development; Java; B/S architecture

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1项目开发的背景 1
1.2项目开发的目的 2
1.3项目开发的意义 2
2 系统规划 2
2.1功能需求分析 2
2.2可行性分析 3
2.3技术和复杂性分析 4
3 系统分析 4
3.1用户分类 4
3.2识别用例 4
3.3 租车系统的用例图解 5
3.4租车ER图及流程图 6
4 系统设计 7
4.1 B/S架构模式 7
4.2 系统功能结构设计 8
1.平台前端结构 8
2.平台后端结构 8
4.3 数据库的设计 8
4.4 系统运行环境与开发工具 10
1.网络平台的运行环境 10
2.开发工具 10
4.5 Struts2介绍 10
4.6 HTML介绍 11 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
4.7 JSP技术简介 12
5 系统实现 12
5.1 数据库的链接 12
5.2 网站首页 13
5.3 用户查看车辆信息的主要功能 15
5.4 用户的投诉建议功能 18
5.5 系统管理登录功能 19
5.6 车辆信息管理功能 20
5.7 租车信息管理功能 20
5.8 企业介绍管理功能 20
5.9 用户的租车功能 21
6 租车测试的必要性 22
6.1 测试环境的基本配置 22
6.2 录入数据和查询测试 22
6.3测试结果 23
7 总结与展望 23
8 结 论 24
参 考 文 献 25
致 谢 26