Design and Implementation of Logistics Information Management System in Express Delivery Industry
Abstract:Express logistics as an important service industry for e-commerce, in the current rapid development of information technology, the realization of logistics distribution information management has become an inevitable trend. In order to manage the logistics delivery information of the express delivery industry, we researched and designed and developed a logistics information management system based on the B/S model. The system uses MyEclipse as a development platform. By analyzing the functional requirements of the express logistics industry, according to its flow characteristics, through a rigorous B/S framework, using JSP and HTML, CSS and other development technologies to develop website pages, using MySQL database management related logistics and distribution data Information, design and implementation of the logistics information management system for the express delivery industry, and test the various functional modules of the program to further improve the system. In order to establish a logistics information platform, formulate information standards, streamline business processes, and define distinct functions for different positions. This speeds up the improvement of the logistics information sharing system so that e-commerce companies, express logistics companies and customers can have timely and accurate information exchange and sharing. In the information management system, it can coordinate tripartite transaction activities and effectively improve the efficiency of express delivery and distribution. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: Express logistics;Information management system; JSP; B/S; MySQL
3.3 功能分析
3.3.1 用户功能分析
3.3.2 管理员功能分析
目 录
1 绪论 3
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2 研究现状和发展趋势 3
1.3 研究目标和意义 3
1.4 研究内容及组织结构 4
1.4.1 研究内容 4
1.4.2 组织结构 4
2 系统开发工具及相关技术 5
2.1 开发运行环境 5
2.2 开发工具 5
2.2.1 MyEclipse 5
2.2.2 MySQL 6
2.2.3 Navicat for MySQL 6
2.2.4 Tomcat 6
2.3 相关应用技术 6
2.3.1 B/S模式应用架构 6
2.3.2 JSP技术 7
2.3.3 MVC模式 7
3 系统分析 8
3.1 可行性分析 8
3.1.1 技术可行性 8
3.1.2 经济可行性 8
3.1.3 操作可行性 8
3.2 需求分析 8
3.3 功能分析 9
3.3.1 用户功能分析 9
3.3.2 管理员功能分析 9
3.4 数据分析 10
3.4.1 数据流程图 10
3.4.2 数据字典 11
4 系统设计 14
4.1 功能模块划分 14
4.2 系统访问流程设计 14
4.3 数据库的设计 15
4.3.1 数据库概念模型设计 15
4.3.2 数据库逻辑模型设计 18
5 系统功能处理和实现 21
5.1 系统界面设计与实现 21
5.2 主要功能处理过程和实现 22
5.2.1 用户注册登陆 22
5.2.2 角色登录 25
5.2.3 角色修改个人信息 26
5.2.4 用户快件管理 29
5.2.5 用户资讯留言 33
5.2.6 车辆管理 36
5.2.7 员工管理 40
6 系统测试 44
6.1 系统测试方法 44
6.1.1 黑盒测试 44
6.1.2 白盒测试 45
6.2 系统测试过程 45
6.2.1 系统登陆测试 45
6.2.2 快件管理测试 46
6.2.3 资讯管理测试 48
6.2.4 业务管理测试 49
6.2.5 车辆管理测试 50
7 总结和展望 51
参考文献: 51
致 谢 53