
摘 要
Design and implementation of lost and found the website
The rapid development of the network, twenty-first Centuries today, human society has entered into the information age, is the network high speed development stage. The network has gradually into people's lives, closely related to online information and people's life a riot of colors. The Internet has become an important channel for people to obtain, release and transfer information, it plays an important role in people's political, economic, all aspects of life, its real-time, convenience has been loved by the people. Some sites such as the emergence of a large number of domestic like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. The web site provides a variety of services information, achieve the centralized management of information, make people more quickly find the information you need.
That is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, increasing development in this era of the network, the Internet search has become one of the most simple and convenient way, only need to sit at home can clearly know yourself lost things. With the rapid development of computer technology, colleges and universities have entered the information age. The network love website the development of this system mainly to solve these problems, as long as the students registered web site can see the lost and found information, students can also release lost or found information, can be very convenient to find their lost things. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
This graduate of the design on the current domestic and foreign advanced website basis, taking Java as the development language, MyEclipse as a development tool, MySQL as database, carries on the development with the lost and found the relevant information website. This system has good flexibility, expansibility, compatibility, easy maintenance, the interface is beautiful, functional and practical function. System operation, the management of staff's request is very low, only need to know the basic computer operation can be competent the job. This paper expounds the advantages of the campus network, and to made the system analysis and design, the realization process of the station are introduced in detail. After the completion of system realizes the network love web site, the system development is to promote campus love website network, has far-reaching significance.
Key words: lost and found website, java, mysql

摘 要 I
第1章 绪 论 3
1.1课题背景 3
1.2目的与意义 3
1.3课题研究主要内容 4
1.3.1 管理员功能 4
1.3.2 用户功能 4
1.4 国内外现状 4
第2章 需求分析 5
2.1系统用例分析 5
2.2功能需求分析 5
2.3数据需求分析 5
2.4数据字典分析 6
2.5系统模块E-R图 7
2.6关键技术介绍 10
2.6.1java技术简介 10
2.6.2mysql简介 10
2.6.3jsp简介 11
2.6.4 S.S.H框架的优点 11
第3章 系统设计 14
3.1 系统概要设计 14
3.1.1 体系结构图 14
3.1.2功能层次图 14
3.2 数据设计 15
3.3 功能模块设计 17
3.3.1用户注册模块设计 18
3.3.2登录功能模块设计 18
3.4 页面设计 20
3.4.1 后台页面设计 20
3.4.2 前台页面设计 21
第4章 系统实现 22
4.1 数据库连接的实现 22
4.2 功能模块实现 22
4.2.1用户注册功能模块实现 22
4.2.2登录模块实现 24
4.2.3失物招领总体模块实现 26
4.3 页面实现 26
4.3.1 发布寻物信息页面实现 26
4.3.2 发布招领信息页面实现 28
4.3.3 写感谢信页面实现 29
4.3.4 成功案例页面实现 31
4.3.5 用户管理页面实现 32
4.3.6物品管理页面实现 34
4.3.7 评论管理页面实现 36
第5章 系统测试 38
5.1测试方案 38
5.2测试结果分析 38
第6章 结 论 39
6.1总结 39
6.2展望 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 41