摘 要
随着在校大学生人数的不断增加,教务管理系统的数据量也不断的增加。学生综合测评成绩的管理工作也变的越来越烦琐,本系统管理内容广泛,全面涉及了教务教学上的各项服务,包括学生综合成绩管理,其中有学生成绩管理;学生管理等等。在开发过程中,注意使其符合操作的业务流程,并力求系统的全面性、通用性,使得本系统不只适用于一家教育机构。在开发方法的选择上,选择了生命周期法与原型法相结合的方法,遵循系统调查研究、系统分析、系统设计和系统实施四个主要阶段进行设计,而在具体的设计上,采取了演化式原型法,随着用户的使用及对系统了解的不断加深,对某一部分或几部分进行重新分析、设计、实施。在开发工具的选择上,主要利用ASP编程语言进行开发,使用数据库,从而保证了数据的完整性与一致性。本论文主要从系统分析、系统设计、系统实施与使用等几个方面进行介绍。基本实现了学生的在线查询成绩以及教师对综合测评成绩和学生信息的录入、删除、修改等功能。本程序前台采用Dreamweaver MX进行页面制作,后台由ACCESS数据库支持,通过使用asp语言实现动态网页的效果,达到对数据库的操作以完成使用者的要求。本文中主要介绍了程序的总体设计、详细设计、功能实现等主体部分。
关键词: asp、VBscript、JAVAscript 、html、Access [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Along with in university student's number of school continuously increment, educational administration management the data of the system quantity also continuously of increment.Student comprehensive measure a management of review the result work to also change of more and more trivial, this system management contents extensive, overall involved each item of the educational administration teaching service, include a student comprehensive result management, have a student result management among them;Student management etc..In the development process, the attention make it match operation of business process, and try hard for system of comprehensive, in general use, make this system not be applicable to a family training to teach organization.In the development method of choice up, choice life cycle method and prototype method combine together of method, follow system to investigate research, system analysis, system design and system implement four main stage carry on design, but at concrete of design up, adopted the evolve type prototype method, along with customer of usage and to system understanding of continuously deepen, rightness some a part or several part carry on afresh analysis, design, implement.In the development tool of choice up, main make use of ASP plait the distance language carry on development, usage database, thus assurance the integrity and consistency of data.This thesis is main from the system analysis, system design, system implement and usage etc. a few aspect carry on introduction.Basic realization student of on-line search result and teacher rightness comprehensive measure to review record of result and student's information go into, delete, modification etc. function.This procedure Dreamweaver MX of the stage adoption carry on page creation, backstage from ACCESS database support, pass usage asp language realization dynamic state web page of effect, attain to operate database with completion user of request.Main in this text introduction procedure of total design, detailed design, function realization etc. corpus part. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key Words:
asp, VBscript, JAVAscript, html, Access
目 录
摘 要 3
第一章 概述 5
第二章 设计的可行性 5
第三章 开发工具及技术介绍 5
3.1 Dreamweaver 6
3.2 html知识 6
3.3VBscript知识 6
3.4 asp(Active Server Page) 6
3.5 ACCESS数据库介绍 6
第四章 系统总体设计 7
4.1 系统结构设计 7
4.2 各模块功能 8
4.3数据库设计 9
(毕业设计网 )
4.3.1数据库关系设计 9
4.3.2 数据库的逻辑结构设计 9
4.3.2 数据库的物理结构设计 10
第五章 详细设计 11
5.1做学生综合测评系统的基本思路 11
5.2 网站的中学生信息管理的模块设计图 11
5.3设计过程 12
5.3.1管理员登陆、注册界面 12
5.3.2主界面 12
5.3.3学生信息管理界面xsxxgl.htm: 12
5.3.4学生综合测评成绩管理界面exam.asp 14
5.3.5留言板界面 14
第六章 综合测评成绩实现的关键问题 15
6.1 Include文件的使用 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]